
La verdad que pensé que iba a llorar más con este libro por la misma razón de que la película tuvo mucho hype (por lo menos, a lo que yo recuerdo) pero no. No sé si es por la forma en la que está escrita, aunque sé que no puedo pedir mucho porque está escrita desde la perspectiva de un niño de doce años, o porque soy un insensible a más no poder. Sí, hubo momentos en los que sentí pena por August pero no fue la suficiente para hacerme llorar. Los momentos tristes no son el fuerte de este libro.
De las cosas que más odie fueron los chistes de pedos y bromas con el nombre del señor Traseronian (😐), pero esto se lo voy a perdonar a la autora por ser su primer libro.
Debo decir que, aunque no me hizo llorar como esperaba, cuando lo terminé me hizo extrañarlo porque me divertí mucho leyéndolo, es un libro súper fácil de leer y en parte también porque fue el primer libro que me pude acabar luego de varios meses.
No es de mis favoritos pero es un buen libro.

I boo’d and I hoo’d! Such a great book, fun and creative in form.

This book is so cute and heartwarming. I think everyone should read it once in their lives.

August to his school environments was like Boo Radely to Maycomb. He started out as a "Darth Sidius" in other people's eyes. They would take drastic measures to avoid any contact with him. But as time passed, August started proving to those around him what he really was. He revealed the nature of his kindness, the power of his friendship, and the strength of his courageousness. From the feared Boo Radely, August had transformed into Arthur Radely.

August is the type of character you automatically fall in love with. Although an extreme introvert, August managed to show everyone how brave and kind he is. He managed to let go of fear and accept people for what they are. The more I read, the more I wish I could be like him. For he is a stormtrooper, a wonder, a miracle, and above all- he is Major Tom.

A beautiful book about a beautiful person and his trip in learning to love himself and teaching others to love him despite his imperfection. I really liked this book and it's message. I think it's the perfect book to share with a kid to teach them about kindness and just overall about life. My only issue was I had trouble with the different POVs, but they grew on me after a while. A definite recommendation for both kids and adults to broaden their view on life.

Each character was so important but what I loved most was how it brought me back to my elementary school days.

I cried at the end.

Date read: January 8-January 9, 2019 Actual Rating: 3.50 STARS “Shall we make a new rule of life...always to try to be a little kinder than is necessary?" This book is very heartwarming and touching. I remember watching the movie adaption way before I picked this up, and it moved me so much that I found myself tearing up while smiling right after. It was also a pretty quick and easy read. It was kind of light yet heavy in some ways and I totally enjoyed the time I've invested reading this book. It's a multi-perspective and that actually is a bit of my problem. Though having a multiple perspective is not the problem itself, there's just some character whose perspective is just quite unnecessary to be included. It would be a bit better if it focus more on Auggie and his thoughts. Though it is still really good and I still recommend it to everyone.

This was such an amazing book. Great life lessons for kids and adults. Easy 5 star rating!

★★★ // familiar plot, but you get a winning hero as a takeaway. that’s all that matters.

What a lovely read. The story and the way it was written was simple yet it conveys a really important life lesson which is 'be kind'. August's condition and his everyday life reminds me you that a little kindness won't hurt. Kinder than is necessary. This book reminds us that be kind to everyone because everyone has they're own battles. Thank you author for writing this book.

Y yo que pensé que este libro me iba a poner triste, gracias August por enseñarme a ser fiel a quién en verdad soy; incluso cuando a los demás parezca no gustarles. :')

movie didn’t fully capture how perfect this book was

** spoiler alert ** such a heart-wrenching book, this book has earned a huge place in my heart. wonder is a awesome, inspirational story which paints a picture of the world we live in through the eyes of a little boy who has always been treated differently because of the way he looks. even though, he still has the tremendous courage to face all the ugly things what the world give to him..... he didn't want to be treated differently because of his appearance, he wanted to be treated just like everyone else. how cool my little bean. how he attended school every single day despite him being the only one with the syndrome and having to put up with the bullying at school....anak sekecil itu harus menerima banyak sekali hal jahat yang dunia kasih ke dia. i also adored how Palacio not only includes the victim’s story but also the bully’s point of view. (not actually the bullies) but people around him, who love him. we find out what people though about Auggie. this novel teaches you to be kind to people like Auggie also made us realise what would it feel like if we were in Auggie's shoes. so please, please be kind. like Mr. Tushman said. "if every single person in this room made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary—the world really would be a better place. And if you do this, if you act just a little kinder than is necessary, someone else, somewhere, someday, may recognize in you, in every single one of you, the face of God." Via, Auggie's sister was actually the most intriguing character of them all. I love her....she becomes strong for herself. realized she had to get on her own, because she had a brother who needed all the attention of her parents. i feel bad for her, but i love her character. how she figured out that the only one who cares a lot for her leave her alone....but I love how their parents dole themselves out to their kids. i know that Olivia needs a lot of hearing because she's a teenagers and she wants things to be fair with her, but that's hard because her brother isn't like that ordinary kids.... i love all the characters, but I was too lazy now to describe how i adore them one by one. so i highly recommendaction this book for eberyone!

3.5 stars.

I did it! I couldn't help but put 5 stars because anything else felt wrong, this is why this book deserves 5 stars. #1 this book is one of the longer ones that I have read in a while, but also one of the fastest I have read in a while. The development of the characters in this book is amazing. The writing gives off the right amount of middle school feel when it needs to, and I loved the attention to detail of the writing like in the chapter with Justin and Jack, how the writing style completely changed, but still drew me in. #2 i will say I do not cry at books. I have only cried at one movie when I was 8(out of all things it was Spider-Man??), so it takes quite a bit to make me cry. Although I did not feel like crying while reading this book, it had me feeling genuinely bad for auggie and at parts, had me catching myself doing like a a sad, sort of "aww" look. So this should tell you it is an emotional roller coaster of a book. It was a pretty easy read and although the plot seemed to be a little skippy or choppy, I was more than ok with it, because the stories made it worth it. By the end of finishing this book, I felt terrible for ever saying anything bad to anyone especially my friends and family and wanting to be as kind as humanly possible. Some book huh? Well that being said, I loved this book, would read it again whenever 10/10, highly recommend to anyone.

Book # 24 Read in 2013 Wonder by R.J. Palacio (YA) August (Auggie) was born with a facial deformity. Up until now (the 5th grade) he has been home schooled. He decides to try 5th grade in a regular school. He expects to be treated oddly by some but while that is true, Auggie is also pleasantly surprised by others. Auggie strives to come into his own during this first year of school. I loved this book. Auggie was a wonderful character. He was brave, funny and genuine. There was a wonderful cast of characters in this book--Auggie's parents and sister, Jack Will, Summer and the middle school principal. I recommend this book. http://melissasbookpicks.blogspot.com

Just lovely, honest and BEAUTIFUL!

Wonder is possibly one of the best books you could possibly read in your lifetime. In short, you must read it. Not only is it moving and thought-provoking, it's so applicable to real life situations, and each of the characters' voices is so unique and bright. I think the only person in the world who realizes how ordinary I am is me. August "Auggie" Pullman is, to put it lightly, deformed. Born with severe facial abnormalities, and constantly undergoing surgery, his life has never been easy. But it's about to get worse, because for the first time in his life, he has to enter the shark tank that is middle school. And I feel ordinary. Inside. But I know ordinary kids don't make other ordinary kids run away screaming in playgrounds. I know ordinary kids don't get stared at wherever they go. Auggie was such a fun, humorous, adorable, likable, main character. I loved reading the sections that were written in his perspective. For someone who's been through so much, I'm surprised he isn't even that bitter about his circumstances. Of course, he wishes he had a normal face and normal life, and he wishes he didn't have classmates talking about his face behind his back. My heart really, really ached for Auggie. It's hard enough to start middle school, but it's even harder to do it with Auggie's face. The thing is, Auggie has so many traits that other children lack: kindness, strength, determination, academic excellence, humor, etc. and yet he's judged just because of his appearance. That makes me so sad, because while it's extremely unfair to him, it's very realistic. Children will judge books by covers, no matter how hard they try (and adults aren't much better!) "Why do I have to be so ugly, Mommy?" I whispered. Julian, Jack, and Charlotte were asked by the school principal to help Auggie adjust to middle school. Julian is your classic bully: rich, popular, a little snot, basically. However, he reacted to Auggie the same way most kids naturally would. He's the realistic kid, in a way. "What's the deal with your face? I mean, were you in a fire or something?" "Julian, that's so rude!" said Charlotte. "I'm not being rude," said Julian, "I'm just asking a question. Mr. Tushman said we could ask questions if we wanted to." Yeah, Julian, not your best moment. At the end of the book, it seems that Julian hasn't changed at all, but if you look at the precept Julian wrote, it's "Sometimes it's good to start over." While he can never really erase the things he did to Jack and Auggie, he can start a new chapter in his life, and hopefully it will be a nicer one. Jack becomes Auggie's best friend. He's a genuinely kind boy, although he did make a huge mistake (talking about it would spoil too much, though). I liked reading from his perspective because like Julian, he sounded like a normal kid. August has the neatest handwriting of anybody I've ever seen who's a boy. Even his script is neat: up and down perfectly, with really small round loopy letters. But now that we're ex-friends, it's bad because I can't ask him to let me copy his notes anymore. See? He sounds like a kid. Even though he acts more mature than that (not counting the huge mistake). I really liked Jack's character because he was so normal, and he was almost always there for Auggie. Charlotte wasn't present much throughout the story, but Summer is. Summer wasn't asked by Mr. Tushman to watch over Auggie, but she did anyways, making her super nice. I loved her character. "No. I'm friends with him because I want to be friends with him," I answered. Who knew that my sitting with August Pullman at lunch would be such a big deal? People acted like it was the strangest thing in the world. It's weird how weird kids can be. Plus, can I just ship Jack and Summer? Jack was totally crushing on Summer by the end. The best thing about Wonder is that it's written in different perspectives. Not only do we get to peer inside many of the characters' heads, they're really and truly written like you'd expect each character to sound. Each has their own distinct style, but they're all well written. The whole plot of Wonder is original, and the fact that the writing is basically flawless makes it even better. Overall, I cannot give enough stars to this book. I love it. A masterpiece that can be enjoyed by all ages, Wonder is a wonder not to be missed.

parece una estupidez, pero estas 5 estrellas las merece el libro entero.

"When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind."

I don't understand how a person could not love this book. Everyone has that one book that would truly move them and this was it for me. I literally could not put this book down since I started reading it; finished this in less than a day which saddened me because I did not want to put this book down at all, not even when I was done reading it. Although the language was too basic, the characters were fantastic, I just wanted to hug all of them especially August. The story was more like each character's own diary, which was unlike any other book I read. The ending just put me in tears; happy or sad, I do not know but it's been long since I actually teared up while reading, it's a story that can't be described, it means so much to me.

First of all, this made me cry like a fucking baby. It reaches out to a younger demographic being that the characters were 5th graders and the way it's written was so light that younger kids could appreciate it. But even when that's the case, I think a lot of us adults could learn a thing or two from August's story. A little bit of kindness could go a long way, especially for someone who has not received a lot of it from people. I'm giving this a 4 only because I was yearning for more but as a whole, I think this book is wonderful.

It's so weird how that can be, how you could have a night that's the worst in your life, but to ererybody else it's just an ordinary night.

She's very pretty, Mom said. "Yeah, I know," I answered. "We're kind of like Beauty and the Beast."


Il y aura toujours des imbeciles dans ce monde, Auggie, dit-elle enfin en se tournant vers moi. Mais je crois vraiment, et papa le croit aussi, qu'il y a davantage de bonnes personnes dans ce monde que de mauvaises, et ceux qui ont du cœur s'entraident, tout comme Jack avec toi.

Les ombres s'allongeaient sur l'herbe et les nuages se teintaient de rose et d'orange. On aurait dit que quelqu'un avait barbouillé le ciel avec de la craie avant d'estomper les couleurs avec ses doigts.