X-Men Messiah Complex
Just when it looked like there was no possibility of a future for mutants, hope arrives. But the X-Men aren't there to meet it - the Marauders and Purifiers beat them to it. Now the race is on to get the first new mutant since House of M! This crossover epic may spell the end of mutantkind unless the X-Men can save their entire species from some of their deadliest enemies. Collects X-Men: Messiah Complex One-Shot, Uncanny X-Men (1963) #492-494, New X-Men (2004) #44-46, X-Men (2004) #205-207, X-Factor (2005) #25-27

Jay Carter@jayhasnofavorite
X-Men 138-143 and Annual #4, a mix of good and bad. "Elegy" -- tedious recap of X-Men history in the wake the Dark Phoenix issues "Nightcrawler's Inferno" -- boring homage where Doctor Strange leads the X-Men to Hell "...Something Wicked This Way Comes" and"Rage!" -- Wolverine and Nightcrawler rock it with Alpha Flight and Wendigo "Days of Future Past" and "Mind Out of Time" -- half is a fun future saga and half is an over-written combat story in the present, kind of like the movie but with no Quicksilver to save it "Demon" -- classic thriller of Kitty Pryde's first solo adventure, a great capper to a so-so collection

Arun Kale@arunkale


Sean McGilvray@semanticdrifter