
Omar AlHashmi@omaralhashmi
Incredible continuation for the after effects of the "House of M" storyline. Mutants are still dealing with the effects and it all comes to a climax in this comic. My only issue was that the first half felt very jumbled and all over the place. You can't not have it that way, since the comic takes place in the past and the future, where events happening in each effect the other. Other than that it was great. The tension was real and consequences were greater than ever. I can't wait to continue this timeline and see what happens to the mutants. This book just cements the fact that X-Men have been and always will be one of Marvel's strongest comic book series ever.

Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai

Ahmed Bakr@abakr92

André Nóbrega@anobrega85

Sean McGilvray@semanticdrifter

Aaron Long@along