
A weird plague, a lady who makes poisons and herbal remedies, an enemy soldier, spooky things, unrequited sapphic love. It was trying to do a lot in 131 pages, and it didn't do all of it. But it did enough. I know a lot of folks seemed really bummed by this book but I don't think it's worth being bummed about. It was a perfectly fine book. I am not running out to put it on any lists, or cramming a copy of it surreptitiously into a friends carry on before they get on a plane, but like, I did it in one gulp on a summer day and I didn't get mad or cry or mutter under my breath about men or groan aloud at a clumsy reference to beyonce, so like it could have been worse. It's an old timey I-think-those-ladies-are-in-love plants + poisons + weird stuff happens book. We've all read them. Here is another!

3.5 stars evelyn and violetta should have had more time this is so homophobic ☹️

I see bio-thrillers are quite popular these days... The story is told in a whimsical fashion, leaving a lot open to interpretation. I might like it more if it were a bit more... solid, with more world building. I DO NOT recommend the audiobook. The constant uptalk was a torture to listen to. p.s. - read the book description after finishing the book. I must say, the description is better than the story itself. It's sad.
