当代剧场访谈录. Juchang Performance in Contemporary Chinese Society (1980–2020)

当代剧场访谈录. Juchang Performance in Contemporary Chinese Society (1980–2020) Ten Interviews by Li Yinan

Yinan Li2021
剧场这一术语,被中国戏剧教授李亦男在特定语境下加以介绍和定义。这本独特的选集收录了其与九位1980年代后期在不同方面贡献卓著的中国戏剧人的访谈。这些与拥有不同的成长背景、年龄、艺术观点的剧场人的对话彰显了剧场这一概念开放和包容的特质。受访者们都曾在不同时期,不同时代精神下活跃在中国戏剧界,彼此之间拥有深刻的联结并相互影响。该选集是一部剧场人立足于创作实践,从崭新的视角看待当代中国戏剧不断变化形态的开创之作。 The term juchang is introduced, contextualized and defined by leading professor of theatre in China, Li Yinan, and forms a unique and individual selection of interviews with nine juchang theatre-makers from different periods after 1980, who have contributed to different and interesting developments. All have different backgrounds, ages and perspectives on theatre that reflect the open and inclusive nature of the concept of juchang. The interviewees were all active in Chinese theatre when a different creative spirit reigned, and yet they seem to have had extensive cohesion between, and influence on, each other. A ground breaking look at the changing shape of contemporary Chinese theatre from the perspectives of those who are in the process of creating it.
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