You Should Have Left A Novel

metaphysical haunted house

Nicedir bu denli berbat bir metin okumamıştım. Türkçe çevirisi de bir övülmüş ki Ömer Türkeş tarafından, hayreti mucip. https://oggito.com/icerikler/gidecek-... Delirmeyi bile beceremeyen bir yazarın hezeyanı, postmodern dahi olamayan, çok kötü bir novella.

Was okay. I don’t love the different universes that can exist as traps for the soul forever but I love silent hill so.

CREEPY!!! i loved the way it was

Short and sweet. I read this because of the upcoming film adaptation, which intrigued me because it seems inspired by House of Leaves. The novella didn't really give that impression, though, although of course both works are about Lovecraftian houses with non-euclidean geometry.

what a spooky lil novella 5-

This book is a record of the seven days that an author, his wife, and his four-year-old daughter spend in a house they have rented in the mountains of Germany a house that thwarts the expectations of his recollection and seems to defy the very laws of physics. The narrator is eager to finish a screenplay, entitled Marriage, for a sequel to the movie that launched his career, but something he cannot explain is undermining his convictions and confidence, a process he is recording in this account of the uncanny events that unfold as he tries to understand what, exactly, is happening around him and in himself. Content warning for mental illness and toxic relationships. A fantastic psychological bending story. Being a short read, the aspect of an unreliable narrator changes the tone of the book entirely. It is confusing and difficult to understand at times, but in my opinion that only adds to the subject. I loved it, the writer did exceptionally well. I loved the prose and the symbolism produced, despite the brevity. I liked how they introduced the odd architecture of the house, it felt pretty natural and smooth to the narrative. I never saw the movie so I cannot say how it holds up against a different medium, but I do plan on watching it. I recommend this book for readers who love an unreliable narrator.

Captivating and quick horror read. I love metaphysical haunted houses.

ooOOooOohhh Daniel Kehlmann you mesSED ME UP

An interesting if confusing concept that doesn't outstay it's welcome.

#fortnightfrights “author from mainland Europe” and “translated piece” That was...odd. I think i enjoyed it and all it’s weirdness. This was definitely unsettling, and the concept is interesting, writing reminds me of 1970s horror writing, however, all said, I’m not sure the details of this one will stick with me in the long run.

This is a quick, creepy read that plays with form and language a bit to build tension. I enjoyed that part but thought it could have done more. Still, this was a fun dip into scary-story season!