Shattered Twilight

Shattered Twilight

Even Willow's own coven has turned against her now. Condemned for saving Buffy from their evil phantom and for not protecting the other coven members fully, as she had promised, Willow must come up with a way to restore herself to them -- and to reinforce her position of power, which hangs in the balance. But the truth -- that she battled the phantom because the ghost of Tara told her to -- will only lower Willow's status in the eyes of her coven. It is time for big magic. Infallible magic. And as Willow turns to the elements for protection, Buffy and the rest of the Scoobies must find a way to fight back without losing Willow forever....
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Photo of laura
3 stars
Nov 20, 2021

I really wanted to love this book. I really love willow, but I did not love wicked willowed in the book. I really loved the arc on the t.v because it was short. I liked that it was not bound my cannon but it was not my favorite. I will eventually finish the series but it was rather slow read.