Why Am I A Christian

Why Am I A Christian And Other Questions to Question Your Faith

WHY AM I A CHRISTIAN is a book of more than 200 questions designed to make you reevaluate your beliefs in an effort to grow and improve. None of us can claim to know all the answers or to live mistake free lives and for this reason we always have room to better ourselves and our understanding of humanity, life and God. The questions contained in this book will encourage you to break free from complacency and the false security of unquestioned beliefs. It's not easy to examine your convictions; however it will leave you with a stronger, more secure, faith. This is certainly not a complete list of useful questions and our hope is that you continue to think of your own questions long after you've finished this book. We have seen a tremendous growth in our own lives as a result of asking ourselves these questions and we pray that they have a positive impact on your lives.
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