Tappan's Burro and Other Stories

Tappan's Burro and Other Stories

Zane Grey2019
"Quite by chance, as he was looking for his burros, he struck his pick into a place no different from a thousand others there, and hit into a pocket of gold. He cleaned out the pocket before sunset, the richer for several thousand dollars. "'You brought me luck, ' said Tappan, to the little gray burro staggering round its mother. 'Your name is Jenet. You're Tappan's burro, an' I reckon he'll stick to you.'"-from the book Prospecting was a lonely business for Tappan, but his burro Jenet was good company, and more. She knew the trails and waterholes better than Tappan, from the scorching heat and poison air of Death Valley to the blinding blizzards of Arizona's mountains. Jenet tracked with him, faithful, his only friend. And he repaid her loyalty with a final, supreme effort of heart, will, and spirit.
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