Zero History
Former hit singer Hollis is down on her luck after the Crash and can't turn down the offer of a job again from mysterious global ad agency, Blue Ant. Stanley Milgrim, ex-addict freshly out of an expensive rehab paid for by Blue Ant-founder Hubertus Bigend, is also on the payroll. Bigend wants them to do some discreet research on an a secret, obscurely fashionable denim. It may not matter that they know nothing about fashion - but it does matter, at least to them, when bullets start to fly and they realize that Bigend's business obsession is leading them down a dangerous path.Set among London's dark and tangled streets, Zero History is a brilliant thriller about the webs and networks of the new century.

Frederik De Bosschere@freddy
Like the other entries in the series, it's a book about people and things trying to be cool. Some readers will probably think it's lame. I mostly thought it was ... cool. Also, it's basically reading a video game.

Luke Kanies@lak
Everything recent by Gibson has been amazing, and this is no exception. It takes place in a perfectly boring modern day, but somehow appears to be a futuristic story.

Lovro Oreskovic@lovro

John Manoogian III@jm3


Hannah Swithinbank@hannahswiv

Traci Wilbanks@traci

Marc Dabringhaus@bookcook

Rosie Yakob @rosieyakob

Arun Seehra@mukkypuppy

Chuck D'Antonio@crdant

Patrick Hof@courts

Rosie Yakob @rosieyakob

Katie Ravenwood@katieravenwood

Amanda Gilson@dinkycrow

McKinley Valentine@mckinleaf

Nat Welch@icco

Steven O'Toole@osteven

JC Sackett@jcsackett

Guy Schmidt@guy

Lance Willett@lancewillett

Brian Alderman@brianaalderman

Christopher Boyer@cjboyer

Brandon Lee@sangsara