Zoo City
Zinzi has a talent for finding lost things. Being hired by famously reclusive music producer Odi Huron to find a teenybop pop star should be her ticket out of Zoo City, the festering slum of the criminal underclass. Set in a wildly re-imagined Johannesburg, it mixes refugees, crime, the music industry, African magic and the nature of sin.
Jonathan Crowe@jonathancrowe
Sarah Escorsa@shrimpy
Nat Welch@icco
Ben Nathan@benreadssff
Darren Olivier@darreno
Greg Copeland@gtco
Dean Sas@dsas
Janice Hopper@archergal
Magnus Dahl@gorillotaur
Alfredo santos@alf
Kayleigh hughes@kdiz
Ben Cardy@benbacardi
Robyn Campbell@robyncampbell
Samiha Tasnim@samihatasnim
Naseer Alkhouri@naseer
Colin O'Brien@onepointzero
André Nóbrega@anobrega85
Lea de Sousa@leadesousa
Kelly Gorman@dreadpiratekel
Sean McGilvray@semanticdrifter
Bryan Alexander@bryanalexander