- Edition
- ISBN 0688156819

Creepy. Love it.

I could have lived without this lol
Sometimes the flow didn't work but I'm not poetry reader so maybe I missed something. The stories weren't very interesting to me. The art was fine and creepy, not scary but leaning more to off-puttingly cute maybe?

Exactly what I’d expect from Tim Burton, fabulous, dark/ creepy stories that leave you laughing or in tears LOL! Will be reading this when I’m down in the dumps :)) plus I adore the art style

Honestly this is exactly what you'd expect from Tim Burton. But it didn't make me laugh at all, it just made me sad. I just can't find the humor in suicidal children or parents who literally eat their children to try and fix their problems.

I love the illustrations and my favorite poem was anchor baby... and voodoo girl however... it didn't make much of an impact in me

Absurd verses paired with some haunting illustrations. I didn't care too much for the verses, some of them got lazy and were just two lines of rhyming couplets as though someone had forced an emo school-kid to write a poem for class but others were nice. Oyster boy was a good one, as was Stain boy. I also kinda like Mummy Boy. Gruesome, so if you're easily flustered, maybe this isn't for you - there's graphic descriptions of death and dying, murder among other subjects.
