went into this knowing it was about Eldest Daughter Syndrome, so i wasn't sure how much it would resonate with me. then it turned out to be about Being Known and Saying Goodbye and left me feeling like a puddle on the floor. so yeah. this was real good.
That's the thing about women. There's no good way to be one.
Charlie's head tilts, his lids heavy. "Do you know you do that?"
"Do what?" I say.
His fingers brush the right corner of my mouth. "Get a divot here, when you lie."
putting this man in jail
I feel like I'm sugar under a blowtorch, like he's carmelizing my blood.
I read once that sunflowers always orient themselves to face the sun. That's what being near Charlie Lastra is like for me. There could be a raging wildfire racing toward me from the west and I'd still be straining eastward toward his warmth.
That's the thing about being an adult standing beside your childhood race car bed. Time collapses, and instead of the version of you you've built from scratch, you're all the hackneyed drafts that came before, all at once.
"I think," I whisper, "you're one of the least disappointing people I've ever met."
If I don't say it aloud, I think, it doesn't count. Maybe it won't even be true.
But it is true, and I'm not sure I'd want to stop it, even if I knew how: I am falling in love with Charlie Lastra.
"For what it's worth," he says, "I doubt I will ever like anyone else in the world as much as I like you."
- Format
- Paperback
- Edition
- ISBN 9780593440872

such a cute romance book. this book isn't just talking about the couple but it also talks about sisterhood. i don't find a big conflict between the couple instead i just love how the writer writes about them. however, i’m glad i picked this one as my first reading of her work.

I did not like this at all. I actually couldn’t even finish it.
There are two kinds of books: those that are meaningful and teach a life lesson, or those that are well-written and have a few extraordinarily good phrases thrown in to keep your attention. this book has neither. I learned absolutely nothing valuable for my life, and the writing style pains me. No offense to the fans, but I will not be reading anything by this author again.

my newest favorite book now 😭😭😭 it took me a while to finish reading bc i got caught up on school but nevertheless… wow 🥹 the perfect balance of a love story; the cheesy-book-romance stuff that isn’t supernatural at the same time. what i love the most is how it tackles love in itself — not confined to romantic love, but love for what it is and what it should be. i understand now why emily henry is suuuchh a well-loved author 🥹

think classic rom com tropes but the roles are reversed! we learn about the b*tchy character. the meredith blake from the parent trap who is left behind.
i really enjoyed this book because i genuinely liked the dialogue that the two love interests, nora and charlie shared. to some it was probably super cringe but i found it witty and genuinely funny to the point where i actually chuckled a few times.
i also just die for books like this that are set in new york or about it. it really is one of the most unique cities in the world.
otherwise though it didn't blow me out of the water, just kept me going through this dark and gloomy winter period im feeling here in toronto.

4.5 bc i didn’t get to see charlie and nora’s wedding. that’s all. i love emily henry.

Read this mostly on a beach while on summer holiday. Honestly, just what I needed. Like a Hallmark Christmas movie without the Christmas part and a slightly less cheesy ending.

late review! i finished this around 2? days ago i think but better late than never ^_^
put off reading this for months and it was the last emily henry book on my tbr (i read happy place & funny story before it lol) because i’m not the biggest black cat x black cat enjoyer.. but i’m glad i finally picked it up cause it was so good. :( i liked seeing the sibling dynamic between libby and nora, reading how sisters ACTUALLY fight and how people raised under the same roof grow up and perceive things differently… wow! also i loved the progression between charlie and nora. :3 big big big fan. not too slowburn but just the right amount and i love their dialogues!!!!
emily henry never disappoints and im always so happy by the time i finish her books :3 hehehe

after 3 months, i finally finished reading this!!!! :3 slightly predictable ending, but i loved it nonetheless. as someone who also has a sister, the conflict resolution between libby and nora was so realistic to me!!!! and it was just sooo good to see the perspective of the black cat persona.. i will put together real thoughts later

i love how realistic the conflict resolve. typical romcom somehow berbasis sama love conquer all or everything will be fine because we love each other or as long as i’m with you i’m content (gak peduli gue harus ngelepasin mimpi gue) tapi yang ini tuh enggak. they love each other so much that’s why they let them be happy with their choices. mereka gak saling memaksakan kehendak.

thank you emily henry you are curing the evil that colleen hoover set upon this world.
loved this! mayhaps not my faveee henry romance but boy oh boy was i invested. obsessed with her ability to always end in a satisfying way and add in little twists

cried. loved it.

Reading Emily Henry is a true delight. These characters are so well crafted and the banter between the leads is sexy and hilarious. Highly recommend if you love romcoms!

"Maybe I just say the right thing for you." *** That's it. I'm calling Book Lovers as the BEST contemporary romance novel I've ever come across. My fave bookstagrammer, @ellereadsomebooks, wasn't kidding when she said this was her all-time favorite too. Not once have her reviews disappointed me and it's primarily why I was so ecstatic to read Emily Henry's latest novel in the first place. For YA, my all-time would have to be Rowell's Fangirl. So I'm glad I finally found a fave book for this genre. I've always been a hopeless romantic, and this book, I think, is perfect for readers like me lol. I really love the way Henry characterizes her leads. First, Nora. Truly, a strong and independent woman—something that isn't an uncommon archetype nowadays given our increasingly socially aware society. But what sets Nora Stephens apart is that she doesn't fold. Not for her lover, not for anyone— that is, except for her sister. Now this is a breath of fresh air! As someone who has a tight-knit relationship with her older sister, I really think Henry did an accurate job of portraying what it feels like to view your sister as your literal 'other half.' And I love her so much for it. Next, Charlie. Boy, is he the perfect male lead to me. Having also read Emily Henry's other novel, Beach Read, this novel just reinforced my love for the way she writes her male characters, i.e, their masculinity never feels forced (unlike in other books). Sometimes, I feel readers tend to overlook seemingly red flags from the male lead just because, overall, "he's a great guy." But Henry's male leads never overstep the boundary—you get the sense they're true men without them ever resorting to the need to trample on the women (even if in a joking way) just to prove how "manly" they are. Essentially, I love how her men don't settle for the bare minimum. Because isn't this what all women deserve in a relationship? As always, I live for the top-tier banter in her novels. Similar to Beach Read, the back and forth exchange between Nora and Charlie doesn't disappoint. The best I've come across in writing! So witty yet perfectly natural that, in effect, the buildup of their relationship comes off as plausible. Charlie and Nora's chemistry. That's it. Emily Henry's Book Lovers is definitely another meet-cute story—except it's packed with so so much more. Looking forward to reading her future works! Linking my fave bookstagrammer's review on this book bc she explains things a thousand times better than I ever could. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cda0xbivV...

absolutely amazing!! i loved it so much

Enjoyable read but not the best Emily Henry book that I've read. I liked the main characters and their dynamic but the side characters were very annoying. For example Libby was acting like a 8 year old girl and not a grown woman.
The ending was a bit cheesy but nevertheless sweet.

i liked nora and charlie a lot actually. i wasn't sold on their chemistry 100% but they had cute moments. i can relate a lot with nora, and her issues esp with the weird relationship w her sister that's fine to have when she's young but not a grown woman so like it was a good plot turmoil. the specific book talk annoyed, libby and her drama with her husband (?) annoyed me and i'd thought i'd laugh more if it was a romcom 🥱 like don't get me wrong there was some good banter if emily henry can do anything she can write good dialogue and the book itself was well written to be honest i won't lie, which i expect bc she has a good few books out that are doing well. i don't care about dusty and how nora needs to coddle her - they could've just talked about their jobs and w distance like i enjoyed all their job talk and then dusty 😞😞😞😞 and that stupid book they keep talking about like i do NOT care i feel like libby thinking her sister is lowkey an overbearing loser is enough to make nora wanna rethink everything. they could've dug into why she's a control freak a bit more and cause more friction between the sisters bc she seemed pretty laid back to me? overall enjoyable and i like that they both go back to nyc (the thought of staying in a town like that made physically ill, esp considering charlie knew that business was going down under) but not entirely memorable

I LOVED this book. Could not put it down. The characters all felt so real and charming. Emily Henry is the master of chemistry writing and I have loved everything I’ve read from her. Loved it.

bawled my eyes out while reading the last 50 pages


my second emily henry book after three years. — a friend told me “this would be very relatable if you’re the eldest daughter.” i am.
book lovers is an ode to those who were forced to grow up too quickly because of the hand life dealt them with. treated as another parent by a parent and not as a child. i hold nora very close to my heart, maybe it’s because i see myself in her.
emily henry writes love so beautifully so it’s only natural that i love the love in this book.
between nora and her job, you can sense her passion from a mile away; never giving up on the best deal for her clients.
between nora and libby, always forgiving, understanding, and going the extra mile for each other.
between nora and her nieces, doing everything she can to provide them with a comfortable life.
between nora and charlie, who both found a way to make their love work despite, despite, despite.
this might be my favourite book of the year yet. i’m glad i picked this up.

everyone already knows that I’m a sucker for all of Henry’s books and that the female protagonists hit too close to home. loved it more the second read through

I LOOOOOOVED LOVED LOVEEEED everything about charlie and nora. individually, they’re relatable!! especially nora, who had to steel herself while dealing with grief and rebuild her life with her sister. while charlie felt lost and didn’t know where he belonged. as a couple, i finally get what people meant when they say they’re truly twin flames—BECAUSE THEY ARE! and usually that would lead to a lot of unhealthy clashes, but it was refreshing to see them SEE and understand each other better than anyone else. Opposites wouldn’t work with them.
There were times I was irritated with Libby, though. As a younger sibling, I felt she could have been more expressive and HONEST. both of them, actually, could have been more honest with each other. i’m glad nora was with charlie though. they truly read each other like books. I love them so much. I love their wits, banter, support for each other, fantasies, and realities they have realized.
As for the plot, it was really comforting. I didn’t expect this to be a small-town romance, essentially. The scene descriptions TRULY FELT LIKE THEY CAME OUT OF A 2000s ROMCOM MOVIE. They were funny, romantic, and vulnerable with each other. That includes nora and charlie, and nora with libby.

maybe love shouldn't be built on a foundation of compromises, but maybe it can't exist without them either
not the kind that forces two people into shapes they don't fit in, but the kind that loosens their grips, always leaves room to grow
compromises that say, there will be a you-shaped space in my heart, and if your shape changes, i will adapt

Or this could all have something to do with the small velvet box he cant stop turning over in his jacket pocket. (There's nothing inside it; she mentioned once that if she ever got married, she'd choose the ring herself) Or that the ice-blond woman leaning against him has known for weeks already what she's going to say. (She made a pro-con list, but only ended up writing his ame under pro and possibly wear a piece of jewelry I didn't pck out for life???? under con.)

“I love you,”
“I love you too.”
"I know," he says. "I can read you like a book."

His eyes go heavy as he smiles. "That," he says, "might be favorite thing. Be my shark, Stephens."
“Already was," I say. "Always have been."

His jaw fexes against my temple. "Of course I love you, Nora. If I loved you any less, Id be trying to convince you that you could be happy here. You have no idea how badly I wish I could be enough."
goddamn it

"A week ago," I say, "I liked you so much I would have wanted to try to make this work." I swallow a jagged, fist-sized lump, but still ny voice has to scrape by to get out. "But now I think I might love you too much for that."

Sometimes, I write to Charlie, the first act is the fun part, and then everything gets too complicated.
Stephens, he replies, for us, it's all the fun part.
It hurts, but I let the dream go on awhile longer.

Less like I'm powerless in an uncaring world and more like... like everything is new, shiny, undiscovered. The way Mom saw New York—-that's how I see Charlie.

“For what it's worth." he says, "I doubt I will ever like anyone else in the world as much as I like you.

“I honestly think youre perfect, Nora.
I meant, to me, you’re perfect.”
“You are too, you know.”

Because nothing--not the beautiful and not the terrible—lasts.
oh man.

"It's okay," he whispers, rocking me back and forth. "You're not alone," he promnises, and beneath it I hear the unsaid rest: I'm here.
oh man

Charlie tugs me back into the office. "Ive got you, Nora," he promises quietly. "I’ve got you, okay?”
It's like a dam has broken. I hear the strangled sound in my throat and my shoulders start to shake, and then l'mn crying.
awh poor nora a decade worth of tears will be fun….

But it is true, and I'm not sure I'd want to stop it, even ifl knew how: I am falling in love with Charlie Lastra. -

“I’ll take you home when lever you want," he says. "But if you want to stay. and you wake up screaming, it's okay. I'lI make sure youre okay. And if you want to stay, and then change your mind, I don't mind driving you back at four a.m.”

"I had no idea it was possible," he says, "for you to want me as much as I want you."
“Now, that, I know is impossible.”

“Tonight,” I say, can” l just have you, Charlie? Even if it can't last. Even if we already know how it ends."
“You do have me, Nora. I never stood a chance."

"What about what you want?" I demand. He looks at me like he believes I could give it to him, and I want to, so badly. "Who's making sure you're happy, Charlie? What about your heart?”
He tries to smile; he's too bad at lying. "Do people like us have those?”
you are kidding

He smothers his face with his hand. "Your nightmare brain, he says “is my absolute favorite, Stephens.”

I had to pick one person to be in my corner, it'd be you. Every time. You take care of shit."

“Charlie, will you please be here?”
“Yes, I already told you, Nora, I’ll go anywhere with you.”
i’m on the fooor

“You fucking undo me.”

"I think," I whisper, "you're one of the least disappointing people Ive ever met."

"Until you got here," he rasps, "all this place had ever been was a reminder of the ways I was a disappointment, and now you're here, and I don't know. I feel like I'm okay. So if you're the 'wrong kind of woman,’ then I'm the wrong kind of man."