Wiktoria Balcerak &
Angels Twice Descending by Robin Wasserman
- Edition
- ISBN 9781406362947

I think it is lovely and special what Shadowhunter last name Simon chose.

No puedo creer que ya termine todas las historias T-T

3.5 stars. I'm not going to lie, I cried with this, more than a couple of times. That being said, this could have been so much better, and it's really not a good closer of this series of novellas. (view spoiler)[ I knew George was going to die because that is so typical of Clare, but I just don't see why it had to happen. I think it was completely unnecessary. Also unnecessary? That "sex" scene or sex talk between Simon and Isabelle. I know there needs to be more sex talk in YA books. But, obviously Clare doesn't know how to handle that *coughs* CoHF *coughs* and including that scene in the last novella of the series was completely ridiculous. My favourite part was the scene between Simon and his mother, it was really sweet and heartbreaking at the same time, but it was necessary. (hide spoiler)] I feel like I'm always saying goodbye to these characters and then they keep coming back. So, this time, I'm not going to say goodbye at all because who knows what Clare will come up next (and it's already been established that I'm TMI trash)


This was so sad, I felt like crying forever :(

Short and to the point, this one. I won't say much, as it's a finale of a series but I will say it was pretty predictable. There were not any surprises for me, and that makes me angry, for more than one reason. You'll know why when you get there.

i'm not sure how i feel about this

** spoiler alert ** I loved this story for so many reasons but i hated it for George Death. It was so sad but I loved the ending when simon took his last name. I still hope some day we get to see clary and simon become parabite. But such a good ending to this mini series.

So beautiful, so painful, so hopeful, so inspiring, so Simon-ish

I was spoiled for that thing that happens at the end of this one, but I think it was a solid ending to the short novellas.

CUANTO DOLOR EN UN SOLO LIBRO Cassandra Clare definitivamente sabe como hacerme sufrir. Cuando leĂ este libro iba en un bus asi que tuve que guardar todos mis sentimientos para este momento. Y dios mio, como sufrĂ. En primer lugar, Cassandra destruyĂł uno de los personajes mas hermosos que creĂł para esta historia y ademas, se habia convertido en uno de mis personajes favoritos de toda la saga. En segundo lugar, Simon, mi querido Simon, crecio tanto desde City of Bones, que no podria estar mas orgullosa de la trayectoria de un personaje como la estoy de Simon Lewis, ahora un cazador de sombras.

What the bloody hell? These stories were supposed to be fluffy. I am so pissed

besides the ugly-as-hell cover ,HUMANS ON THE COVERS WHY DO YOU EVEN EXIST? that ending was a major fail :(

Como siempre Cassie nunca me defrauda, aunque siempre ama romperme el corazĂłn.

If you are a hardcore Shadowhunter fan, please don't be offended by this review. I don't actually hate this series/universe/whatever. I respect it and the people who like it, but there are some things that just don't sit well with me. I did enjoy this one and I don't think it was worse than the rest of these Shadowhunter Academy Tales - even though I gave some of the past ones five stars. I just feel like I am kind of meh about this whole world (I will always hate the way Shadowhunters are no matter how many excuses the authors and characters try to make for them) and I don't like Simon all that much, I never shipped Sizzy (I don't like Isabelle). I don't like Clary. I don't even know why I continue to read this. The only reason I am even in this is because of the Infernal Devices and Malec. I am interested in reading Lady Midnight, but I might leave that to further in the future - or it might never happen.

4.5/5 Non so cosa dire in questo momento, troppe emozioni tutte insieme ❤️ so solo che sono troppo contenta per come è cresciuto Simon, spero tanto di rivedere lui e gli altri in qualche modo in Lady Midnight :)