59 Seconds Think a Little, Change a Lot
Most people would like to be more creative, more persuasive and more attractive. For years, gurus and 'life coaches' have urged people to improve their lives by changing the way they think and behave, but scientific research has revealed that many of their techniques, from group brainstorming to visualization, are ineffective. Fortunately, psychologist Richard Wiseman is on hand to provide fast-acting, myth-busting scientific answers to a huge range of everyday problems. From job-hunting to relationships, and from parenting to self-esteem, personal and professional success may be less than a minute away. This title helps to: find out why putting a pencil between your teeth instantly makes you feel happier; discover why even thinking about going to the gym can help you keep in shape; and, learn how putting just one thing in your wallet will improve the chance of it being returned if lost.

Erwin Lemuel Oliva@erwinoliva
Well-researched and very informative. There were a lot of revelations and this is something I would keep on reading. The book tears down a lot of the myths that we know, but presents a better alternative using empirical evidence. It's a book you would read until it's over.

jm laine@jmlaine
The book includes a lot of easy "life hacks." It was a fast and easy read that I truly enjoyed.

Prakash Rajendran@prakash


Nenad Nikolic@nnikolic72

Cory Forsyth@bantic

Drew Spartz@drewspartz


Mykyta Barabanov@mukuta

Benjamin Snipes@bengsnipes

Mykyta Barabanov@mukut

Tomas Jonsson@benregn

Diogo Nunes@dialex

Nicole Leeflang@nlivelong

Rebecca Owen@rebecowen

Nadine @intlnadine

Erin Noel@erinhnoel

Luke Leighfield@lukeleighfield

Tomáš Ulej@tomasulej