
Emma Daniels@pudgethefish
I have yet to find a book by Adrian Tchaikovsky I have not liked. This book was such a wild ride! Not only does it have an awesome space adventure with characters I liked, but also has a very interesting political struggle happing throughout.

Shane Segal@smsegal

Melissa Railey@melrailey

Martin Heuer@maddin

Sean Leach@kickdaddy
This book appears on the shelf armenian-genocide

The Road from Home by David Kherdian
"Starving Armenians" by Merrill D. Peterson
Telling the Story
Telling the Story by Anne Elizabeth Elbrecht

Buried by the Times by Laurel Leff

Studies in Comparative Genocide by Levon Chorbajian

America and the Armenian Genocide of 1915 by Jay Winter