A Discovery of Witches

Adult witches and vampires. Great story

Love the magic system, love the twists turns and surprises, but I feel as though the story lost me at times and I am hopeful the romance fleshes out a little more (I want more angst, more chemistry) it is a little instant love but if a hot vampire became obsessed with me I would also give in. Excited for book two!

Simply not understanding the hate this book is receiving. Taste is entirely subjective but there are few things I’d like to correct in some of these top reviews I’ve seen. “The book has no plot.” - It’s a romance novel. The plot is the slow burn romance, with underlying themes of trying to discover this mysterious manuscript and figuring out the origin of these creatures. It’s a journey. I’m not one for vampire novels- I think sometimes they’re a little comical for me with just how old the authors make the vampires in question. But it did keep me entertained. The characters are well fleshed out. The author maintains a great balance between character development, story development, and dialogue. I’ll admit Harkness goes a little over the top with the unnecessary description of wine tasting that I simply skimmed over. I’m pretty generous with my ratings, a 5 star for me means i enjoyed it enough to continue the series. It kept me engaged, I am truly interested to see how the story develops. It begins slowly (I believe it didn’t pick up until approximately the halfway point) I’m glad I didn’t listen to the reviews. The characters truly are fantastic and ultimately that’s where the 5 star comes from. It’s rare I find fleshed out characters like this.

I couldn't finish this book. I tried really hard to finish it, but it's just not gonna happen. A Discovery of Witches is not a bad book, it is very nicely written. If I had to describe it in three words it would be: a better written twilight . Even though it was so different I felt like it was something I had already read and I felt no intrigue. So for those who loved Twilight and want a different version between older characters, this is for you.

*3.5 This was a strange read for me. There were some parts I really enjoyed, and then some parts I found suuuper frustrating. Firstly, I loved the history and atmosphere of this novel. They were so interesting! The history added something so cool to the story. And I really loved the setting as well. I want to go to Oxford and study in the library for days on end! I could just picture myself there, man. I also loved the chemistry between our two main characters. I actually really liked all the characters. I loved the families of both Diana and Mathew. Everyone in the book was super intriguing and I definitely wanted more from some of them in the end. The last half of the book was definitely my favorite. When everyone came together towards the end, I couldn’t wait to see what happened. I loved how the house almost felt like it’s own separate character. And I’m definitely excited to see what happens next! HOWEVER This story was was too long. She could’ve cut out 200 pages easy. Matthew was so controlling and possessive, and they kept trying to justify it but it just wasn’t working. It was actual insta-love, which I don’t hate as much as most people, but there was a part in here that was just too much too soon. The TV series, which I watched before this, paced everything out so much better than the books. And I found TV Diana to be much more independent and confident than Book Diana. She could be super annoying in the books and I’d just want to knock some sense into her. Overall, excited to continue on but definitely didn’t blow my mind.

This was a reread about 3 or 4 years after my first time reading this book and I still loved it. This book will always be firmly in my heart and will always hold my "witchy academia" interest. The blend on historical academics and magic bring on such a nostalgic feel. I've never once been to Oxford or England but the descriptions in this book make me feel like I'm sitting right there in the Bodliean with Diana.

I really enjoyed the story, my biggest issue is how drawn out parts of the book were it seemed unnecessary but I'm looking forward to reading Shadow of Night next and seeing where the next part of the story takes Matthew and Diana.

A Discovery of Witches: 3.5/5 Deborah Harkness knows how to tell a story, and this was a damn good one to tell. The world-building is on another level. I don't think I've ever read another book with as much context or detail about the setting as this one does. It really brings these characters to life. I found myself really connected to Diana and actually following her emotional journey and arc. For example, feeling weary about Matthew and Ysabou and gradually coming to love them in the end. I don't know if I've ever felt so in tune with a character's feelings but I absolutely loved it. The only thing I would say is that some of the book is pretty slow towards the middle and it takes a minute to pick up, but these parts inevitably are really important to the set up of the next book and unfurling the mysteries within the world. Overall this was a great read and I am excited to dive into Shadow of Night.

okay i liked it! i liked how the writing style really made sense for Diana. i usually stay away from first person pov's but i liked it here. the way she was thinking really made me believe that she was a historian and just felt so intelligent. i was kind of annoyed with how she literally only had like 3 scenes where matthew wasn't there but i kind of love romance so that's okay... also the scenes in the house with everyone was so amazing! the book really portrayed how close all the characters got in such a short amount of time. by the end i really believed that aunt sarah and miriam could be besties. im super excited to keep reading the series!

This was a reread for me. This is one of my favorite series....Diana is a witch who doesn't know how to use her magic. She falls in love with Matthew, a vampire. Great writing and interesting characters.

A book about a woman who pushes away her witch powers to be normal. Only to find a book, for her research in alchemy, that changes her life. She finds herself in the presence of vampires, demons, and other witches who are looking for a text that is said to be the beginning of their creation. Wonderful writing and waiting for the next book to be available to read!

Dark academia fantasy vibes. I loved this book so much. The world building was amazing and fascinating. There are so many layers to Diana and Matthew and the whole storyline in general. Definitely recommend.

I loved this book! It's like a grown-up and more sophisticated version of Twilight, with a strong female witch as the main character, surrounded by a host of Witches, vampires, daemons and humans. Lots of romance, plenty of mystery and suspense and nice touches of historical references.

So far, I'm drawn into this book - I look forward to getting back to Diana and Matthew every night to see what they are doing now. I'm thankful it's a trilogy. I haven't been so quickly drawn into a world since I read the Outlander series 10 years ago.

Really good book. Very similar to the series although there is more detail and slightly different scenarios that make the book better than the series.

twilight for the wannabe intellectual

Book was very good, love the plot but got confused at some parts, it’s fine i figured it out :)

“As far as I can tell there are only two emotions that keep the world spinning year after year...One is fear. The other is desire.”
Wow. This book has such a rich story and so many plot twists! When I started this I was not ready for the level of emotion and attachment I would form to this story and these characters.
Matthew seemed a little toxic at times, but I suppose he is a Vampire with heightened protective instincts so...Every other character I absolutely adored. Ysabeau honestly holds my heart; her developing relationship with Diana is so sweet.
The last couple of chapters were so wholesome, I want to be a part of this new family. Was not prepared for the genius comedy in this book because I was ROLLING at points haha. Also this story is so cool?! The Knights of Lazarus...damn.
Excited to read the next one but need a break first lol - I'll be real, this book felt as long as it looked. Took me a whole month but when I was reading I thoroughly enjoyed the escapism. Also read listening to classical music - would recommend!

Love every single part of this book 😍😍

Honestly, I started reading this because I always try to read the book before watching the show/movie. I fell in love with the whole story. Best decision ever.

The first half plus of this book I would say is 5 stars. I gave it 4 because it becomes a bit Twilight-esque towards the end.

Honestly, I did not finish this book. That's pretty rare for me - but I was 600 pages in and it was giving me all the Twilight vibes without any of the hilarity or steam. I know it's popular, but it missed me.

Amazing. Must read for ADULTS who want a fantasy book (with vampires and witches) that is not in the teen section. Great historical references through out all three books, more mature storyline and brilliant writing.

Magic is desire made real.

“Make your next move before they make theirs. Don’t wait your turn like a good girl, and don’t be duped into thinking your current freedom means you’re safe. Decide what to do to survive and do it”.
Applying this to everything in life.

‘You’re not lost. I found you’
My heart.

'I'm safe with you'

'What do you smell?'

slipping into the night's darkness as if it belonged to him.
The imagery in this book <3

there were touches of snowflakes all along my hair, shoulders, and back, as if he were checking quickly to make sure I was all in one piece.
It's like he's protective, but delicate about it.

'there's nothing more powerful than human fear - not magic, not vampire strength. Nothing.'

Apparently Clairmont did not approve of women who opened their own car doors any more.
As all men should agree because that is ATTRACTIVE.

he was standing with one hand on the back of my chair and the other resting on the surface infant of me. His broad shoulders were curved around me like the wings of a falcon shielding his prey.
'Are you alright?' he asked.
The descriptions of this man...

As far as I can tell, there are only two emotions that keep the world spinning, year after year. One is fear. The other is desire.
I really liked this train of thought even if it’s kinda sad and dramatic. But that’s the character

The gilte numbers on the spine winked. Isat down and considered the options. Ignore the magic, open the manuscript, and ery to read it like a human scholar? Push the bewitched volume aside and walk away? Sarah would chortle with delighe if she knew my predicament. She had always maintained that my etforts to kecp magic at armn's length were futile. But l'd been doing so ever since my parents' funeral. There the witches among the guests had scrutinized me for signs that the Bishop and Protor blood was in my veins, all the while pating me encouragingly and predict- ing it was only a matter of time before I took my mother's place in che local coven. Some had whispered their doubes abour the wisdom of my parents
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