Against Everything Essays
"These essays address such key topics in the cultural, political, and intellectual life of our time as the tyranny of exercise, the tyranny of nutrition and food snobbery, the sexualization of childhood (and everything else), the philosophical meaning of Radiohead, the rise and fall of the hipster, the impact of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the crisis of policing. Four of the selections address, directly and unironically, the meaning of life what might be the right philosophical stance to adopt toward one's self and the world." --
brendan sudol@bren
Nick Simson@nsmsn
Lorena Avila@lorenavila
olivia olsen@literaturepossum
Michael Ernst@beingernst
Angie Lee@angielee
sam soh@samsoh
Ana Hein@anahein99
Taylor Conacher@taylorana
Jacob Mishook@jmishook
Brendan M@elysium
Audrey Kalman@audkal
Tiff Brunson@tiffbrunson
Kevan Lee@kevanlee
Matti Scherzinger@matti
Celine Nguyen ✿@celinenguyen
Tuesday Chutter@tui_tues
Trevor Rogers@trevor
Kevan Lee@kevanlee
Micaela Neumann@MicaelaN
Matti Scherzinger@matti