


Can't stop reading.

It's the final countdown-- KAMEHAME--KAMEHAMEHA!

Awesomeness! First appearance of Trunks, and a glimpse of his power.

Most fun-to-read manga ever.-

BOO UNLEASHED!! Finally. I always hated Vegeta ever since I was a kid back then when I was reading this... and I still do. Right HERE is the main reason I hated him so much, besides all the bullshit he did until that point. Fun read as always!

How did it take me THIS LONG TO REALISE KRILLIN(/kuririn w/e apparently he has a different name in the anime) HAS NO NOSE?!

Ugh, the thing I dislike about these is that they often end very abruptly! I want to continue reading but I don't own any of the next bind-ups! *sighs*

You hear that? That is the sound of my muffled screaming because of ANOTHER. CLIFFHANGER.

I think Vegeta was the first animated character I ever had a crush on... ✌🏻

5 for the end of the Frieza arc, 1.5 or 2 for the following chapters


(3.5) The past few volumes were pretty meh for me, and it actually made me quite sad, because the story felt really aimless, the characters less interesting, and it just made me long for the earlier volumes, pre-Z, because I loved those. Cell's introduction definitely spiced things up, and objectively this volume probably deserves a higher rating, but as someone who favors the early volumes (this, I've learned, is a divide among Dragonball fans) it doesn't quite hold a candle to, say, DB volume 15 or DBZ volume 11.

(3.5) Pretty enjoyable, but there's a weird issues with trying to bring back some of what made pre-Z Dragon Ball great. The sense of fun comes back, but having the combined perspectives of adults and kids makes it a little odd compared to earlier Budokais.

This juuuuussst makes 4 stars. Toriyama continues to get a lot right—combining the dire stakes of the Freeza and Cell arcs with a sense of humor that recalls early Dragon Ball, albeit less lewd and more morbid. The issue, though, is how things seem really strongly to be going in a direction anyone who knows anything about Dragon Ball can tell you it doesn't. I don't want to give away any big spoilers, but essentially Toriyama had everything set up for the new generation to take the spotlight. So, in a way, if I went in blind, I probably would feel more positive about this arc so far—it's the misalignment between foreshadowing and reality that knocks it down for me.


Total Stumpf auf die beste Art und Weise.

4\5 After doing the whole Dragon Ball universe kitty-wampus. First with watching the anime from DBZ Super and working my way backwards (my SO is to blame for this one) and then deciding to read the manga yah my bad. But here I am ready to take on all the volumes! I really did enjoy this volume. I love seeing Goku as this young naive boy that always sees the good in everything... even though he is always like that. Mostly I enjoyed the art style. I find Toriyama’s art style to be gorgeous, simplistic but detailed, and so lively! I got the opportunity to read the full coloured edition of this first volume and it was just stunning. Like with any series, whether it be manga or a novel, I always dislike the first volume. Not because of anything too bad. I just dislike how slow the first volumes can be with the introductions to characters and the world. Not only that I have always found the DB world to drag things on unnecessarily. I have never been a fan of filler content and definitely prefer the action.