
the “twist” was kinda insane and i’m not sure if i mean that as an insult or a compliment

Cheri McElroy@cherimac
Alice Feeney is back!
I didn't love Feeney's last book, but this one is a banger. Grady's wife disappeared one year ago on the night his book hit the New York Times bestseller list. Now, Grady is broke and broken, can't sleep, function, or write. His agent, Kitty, offers him a chance to go to a remote Scottish island to recover and write. On his way there, Grady is convinced he sees Abby, his wife.
This was creepy, atmospheric, and twisty, and I did not see that ending coming. You should definitely read this book.

Meaghan Ervin@meaghan89

Hannah Colbert@hcolbert

Joe Herrington@joeherringtoniv

Katie Berges @mermaidstatus

Erin Goss@erinmg22

Kate Baldwin@itskatebaldwin

Eleanor @purpletaeeee