Miss Apprehended

Website: https://litdarlings.com/ Short, sweet, and very steamy. Recommended if you want a no-fuss HEA and have a high steam tolerance.

I'm already familiar with Miranda Elaine and Amie Knight and love their books. So I was really excited about this novella when I heard about it. It was one I read in one sitting. It was a chance I took though, because I'm not a huge fan of instalove and the erotic part of the book can be a too much for me at times. I did enjoy reading about Millie and Jake. They had me laughing out loud and I loved the adventure they had together in this novella. I was right though and at times it was a bit too much for me. I definitely see why a lot of readers loved every moment of Miss Apprehended! These writers definitely are a match when writing a book together. Their styles fit together.