Moksha Smith Agni's Warrior-Sage

Moksha Smith Agni's Warrior-Sage An Epic of the Immortal Fire New Edition

As this epic of the soul unfolds, we, the readers, are drawn into undulating waves of realities, at times, into almost otherworldly spaces, through the subtle art of this poet's creation. Of course, this experience is not new to anyone familiar with the other works of Antonio de Nicolas. From his acclaimed poetic translations of the Spanish masters: Juan Ramon Jimenez, Ignatius de Loyola, San Juan de la Cruz, to his own earlier collections of poetry: Remembering the God to Come and The Sea Tug Elegies and Of Angels and Women...Mostly, we have come to expect a certain mystical revelation to discreetly unveil itself within the pages of his work. But Moksha Smith takes us to an entirely different space, not of subtle mystical quiverings but of raw, exposed duende. Here, in Moksha Smith, we at last come face to face with the poet: a demiurge without a mask, a victorious hero who returns from the battle with his shield and not on it, much less behind it.
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