The Ecclesiazusae (Or Women In Council)
The 'Ecclesiazusae, or Women in Council, ' was not produced till twenty years after the preceding play, the 'Thesmophoriazusae' (at the Great Dionysia of 392 B.C.), but is conveniently classed with it as being also largely levelled against the fair sex. "It is a broad, but very amusing, satire upon those ideal republics, founded upon communistic principles, of which Plato's well-known treatise 'The Republic'] is the best example.-From the introduction to 'The Ecclesiazusae' by Aristophanes.

Women in power? Communism? Oh he's making fun of those things... Well joke's on him 'cause it seemed to me they were handling things just fine!

- Ben detto, per Afrodite!
- Scema, hai giurato per Afrodite. Un bel lavoro avresti combinato, se lo dicevi in assemblea.
- Mica l'avrei detto.
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