Barn 8 A Novel

This book may have one of the most unique narrative structures that I've ever read. It took a little bit to get into because of that, but is ultimately part of what made it so enjoyable. It's funny and touching and really makes you think.

Repetitive and messy.

I just never really got gripped by this book. I never wanted to sit down and plow through the pages. The writing was great. The characters were good, the pacing was okay (I thought it kind of dragged and the foreshadowing disconnected me more than engaged me). I just, didn't vibe with this the way I do with her short stories. I don't know why. I wish I did, really. It was a good book that balanced wanting to write about a political message and balance it with the dry humor that Unferth perfects. You really connect to the auditor who just wants more for her charges, and the kid who was stubborn and can't let go of the past. The activists were a little harder for me to personally connect with, but the detail and the individual character introductions were good. This was good, I just wish I had been grabbed by it. Maybe it will grab your attention more.