
Love a street level crime Batman story.

I was hoping for more. I read 'The Dark Knight' series 15 years ago at Uni and LOVED them. Great stories and a real insight into the character of Bruce Wayne. Perhaps I need to have read a bit more background stuff to cope with this, as it seems to be a revisiting of all the enemies and friends Batman has had over his career. To be honest, the storyline was a bit too episodic - "...and here's the next one..." - and I was left totally confused by the ending. I'm still not entirely sure who the bad guy turned out to be. Beautiful artwork, though, and Catwoman was good to look at while I was losing the plot...

So good. I think this was my first Loeb and damn, he got the character of Batman right. So many villains and Bruce/Selina! Also, I think Nolan pulled lots of elements from this for The Dark Knight trilogy which is awesome.

It is one of those Batman Masterpieces that you never want to miss. 'The Long Halloween' is the brilliance born out crime, thriller, deductions, and justice. Here Gotham City is itself a character, and how clearly it speaks with the reader. This is a story where instead of focusing entirely on batman, he is merely a part. It deceiving how story infolds in the end in an unimaginative way. In the end, you will start judging your own sense of justice.

Five stars just for that shocking ending. Christopher Nolan was right when he said this book was a tragedy. It really was.

If you never read a Batman comic before this would be a great place to start. You get a little taste of several well known villains in the Batman Universe along with a great story arc.

What a great story! This comic is awesome from the title to the last page. The phrase "long halloween" caught my atention from the very first time and it summarizes the whole story. In this comic you'll find a presentation of almost every villain in the Batman universe. Clues to the Holiday's identity are everywhere, easy to find, but it's also difficult to put such a character into the murderer's face. A very recommended read.

The art in this is very dark, expressive, and very fitting for how I’d imagine living in Gotham to be like!