

Cells obey the laws of physics and chemistry; DNA as a store of information; Genes are metable units; DNA is the genetic material; The topology of nucleic acids; Isolating the gene; Turning genes into proteins; The assembly line for protein sysnthesis; Transfer RNA: the translational adaptor; The ribosome translation factory; The messenger RNA templlate; Controlling gene expression by transcription; RNA polymerase-promoter interactions control initiation; A panoply of operons: the lactose paradigm and others; Control at termination: attenuation and antitermination; Lytic cascades and lysogenic repression; Perpetuation of DNA; The replicon: unit of replication; The apparatus for DNA replication; Systems that safeguard DNA; Constitution of the eukaryotic genome; The extraordinary power of DNA technology; A continuum of sequences includes structural genes; The organization of interrupted genes; Clusters of relates sequences; Structural genes belond to families of various sizes; Genomes sequestered in organelles; Organization of simple sequence DNA; Reachiong maturity: RNA processing; Cutting and trimming stable RNA; RNNA as catalyst: mechanisms of splicing; Control of RNA processing; The packaging of DNA; About genomes and chromosomes; Chromatin structure: the nucleosome; The nature of active chromatin; The dynamic genome: DNA in flux; Recombination and other topological manipulations of DNA; Transposable elements in bacteria; Mobile elements in eukaryotes; Enginnering changes in the genome; Genes in development; Rearrangements and the generation of immune diversity; Changing gene organization from within and without; Gene regulation: changing patterns of expression; Oncogenes: aberrant gene expression and cancer; Landmark changes in perspectives.
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