Tell the Truth. Make It Matter

Tell the Truth. Make It Matter A Memoir Writing Workbook

Beth Kephart2017
What are we supposed to do with that lovely, infuriating, instigating, mischievous blank page? Who are we, when we're being uncommonly honest? Where do we stand, in the landscape of truth? How do we discover and profess the story of our life when lives are such strange and messy things? Frankly, why bother? In Tell the Truth. Make It Matter., a one-of-a-kind memoir workbook, Beth Kephart offers an insider's look at the making of true tales--and an illustrated workbook to guide the wild ride. Combining smartly selected samples with abundantly fresh ideas, dozens of original exercises with cautions, questions with answers, Kephart inspires, encourages, and persistently believes in those with a story to tell. Write this, the workbook says. Read this. Consider this. Discover who you are. Have some honest fun with words. Truth could not come from a more authoritative source--Beth Kephart, who, as an award-winning writer of 22 books, an award-winning teacher at the University of Pennsylvania, a winner of the 2013 Books for a Better Life Award (motivational category) for Handling the Truth: On the Writing of Memoir, a nationally renowned speaker, and a partner in Juncture Writing Workshops, has mastered the art of leading readers and writers toward the stories of themselves. Truth should find a home among high school teachers, college professors, workshop leaders, autodidacts, secret writers and public ones. It is the perfect (graduation, birthday, holiday, friendship) gift--to others, and to oneself.
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Photo of Thea Lizabeth
Thea Lizabeth@thealizabeth
5 stars
Jun 8, 2022

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