Rocket Raccoon & Groot The Complete Collection
Collects Tales to Astonish (1959) #13, Incredible Hulk (1968) #271, Rocket Raccoon #1-4, Marvel Preview #7, Annihilators #1-4 (Rocket Raccoon & Groot stories), Annihilators : Earthfall #1-4 (Rocket Raccoon & Groot stories). After the Guardians of the Galaxy disbanded, Rocket Raccoon settled into a quiet life with a steady job in a mailroom. But when a killer clown made of sentient wood attacks him at work, the trigger-fingered and quick-witted hero must journey to Planet X - home of his old buddy Groot, the giant tree-creature - in search of answers! The cosmic dream team is reunited at last! Then: Mojo, bloated entertainment mogul of the Mojoverse, battles Rocket Raccoon and Groot...onstage! It's a high-stakes campy cosmic free-for-all! Plus: get caught up on the early adventures of Rocket and Groot!
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