
I've finally been able to start reading the Fables series. Having heard some friends' opinions about the first volume, I had low expectations, which were easily overcome by the comic book. I like the cover, I like the characters, I like the story, I like the illustrations and I like the text. Fables follows a group of characters borrowed from worldwide known folklore, myth and literature, transformed into "real" people, their past loves, wars or dramatic rescues being just background to who they are when the book picks them up. They seem matured, aged even, having been through what we expect of regular people's lives and much more. They are living in "our" world, exiled from their fable lands which were invaded and conquered, one by one, by the armies of an Adversary no one really knows. To give an idea of what these series offer, the fables have their own government, Snow White is single and is the deputy mayor of Fabletown, the Big Bad Wolf (Bigby) is the sheriff and Prince Charming is broke. In fact, the way Bill Willingham transformed the characters is my favourite part of the book, they have personality, are different from each other and act accordingly (I'll leave Jack out of this, his character being the weaker and less interesting one in my opinion, he seems to go along as the story needs it). Legends in Exile tells about the investigation of Rose Red's disappearance and suspected murder, but this plot isn't quite as interesting as the story of how they were exiled in the first place and it is my curiosity for that main element and the characters themselves that convince me that I'll pick up the next volumes. In spite of having a main plot falling short of the other elements' quality, it is still very well written and, as said before, well illustrated and that by itself makes reading it worthwhile. Another very interesting detail was the short story in the end about Bigby, Snow White and Rose Red's rescue from the Emperor's troops and of how the Wolf came to be a human integrated in Fabletown's society. I recommend these series for all comic book readers, and from what I've read and heard, if you like the first volume as I did, you'll love the rest for sure! This review was originally published on my blog.

An interesting premise - all the characters from fairy tales and nursery rhymes have been driven out of their homelands and have taken refuge in New York City. There's lots of fodder for storylines here - and some clever commentary on both fairy tales and "modern living". I like the direction the author's taken some of the characters in - Snow White is the Deputy Mayor, a bit of a hard ass, Bigby Wolf (love the name) is the head of (perhaps their only) their police, Beauty and the Beast need marriage counselling and Prince Charming is a gigalo. The first volume gives us an introduction to a number of the characters and sets the stage for how and why they are living in NYC. The story arc starts with a bang as Rose Red is missing and presumed murdered with a pretty gruesome crime scene. During the investigation, we're introduced to some of the politics and characters.

This was great! I love the mix of fairy tales and the real world that this creates!

Still completely fabulous!