
** spoiler alert ** I didn't realize that I was going to be hit with problems in the second issue of the run. I thought they would pop up later on... Anyway, I liked the flashback to the "legend" of Diana and her being birthed from clay molded by Hippolyta. I'm not so hot on the hostile attitudes the other Amazons seem to feel towards Diana when she returns to Paradise Island. That's not what Paradise Island is; it is NOT some place for petty rivalries among the warriors. I'm a little annoyed that it's Hera pulling the strings on getting her hands on Zola but if I can find a silver lining for her character - they did get her infamous jealous nature correct (even if she did appear slightly petty). As for another villain, I really couldn't take Strife seriously when she looks like she's wrapped in electric tape on the way to a rave in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. If there's one good thing I could pick from this issue, it's Hippolyta's appearance. I liked her regal wear and her battle armor. It's only the second issue and I've already experienced two unnecessary panels of female nudity. Now I'm not so shocked Warner Bros. decided to go with the New 52 for Wonder Woman's film adaptations. >:(