House of M (X-Men, New Avengers)

House of M (X-Men, New Avengers)

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Photo of Jesus Loera
Jesus Loera@mrloera01
5 stars
Mar 27, 2024

La mejor saga de Marvel jamás escrita, después Civil War. Compleja con muchas variantes y que sirve de base a la nueva generación.

Photo of Geoffrey Froggatt
Geoffrey Froggatt@geofroggatt
4 stars
Nov 29, 2023

an essential storyline for the X-Men as characters. beautiful artwork, fast-paced storytelling and huge character changing plot lines.

Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
5 stars
Jun 3, 2023

As you might know, I am a huge Marvel fan (mostly of the movies), and I have been wanting to try out some of the comics/graphic novels for a while now. One of them (that I really wanted to read) was House of M; mostly because it featured the Maximoff twins, two of my favourite characters in AOU. Thanks to my friend, Tanja, who gave House of M to me for my birthday, I got to read it this month, yay! House of M is about Wanda Maximoff who has lost her mind after losing control over her powers and killing several of her Avenger friends. The (old) Avengers, some X-Men and a couple of other Marvel heroes meet to discuss her fate. Pietro (Wanda's twin brother) is convinced they want to kill his sister and wants to protect her at all costs. But that's when everything goes wrong. I had seen a lot of things about House of M on Tumblr already, so I was really curious what it was about. The story was really nice, and I really enjoyed reading the entire thing. We met a lot of characters, some of which I already knew (The Maximoff's, Xavier and his X-Men, Iron Man, Spider-man and so forth), and some new characters as well (Luke Cage, Doctor Strange, Cloak and a lot more). I did find out that this copy I have doesn't have all the stories in the House of M story-line in it, but just the eight main ones I believe. I do want to read the rest of the stories as well, so I'm going to see if I can find them somewhere. Unfortunately, I was spoiled a bit about what happened at the end of this novel so even though I was a tiny bit sad I wasn't surprised at it at all which was such a shame. Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this story - I loved looking at the graphics and I just really loved reading the bits that I hadn't seen on Tumblr already. Now I really want to read more Marvel comics, but I honestly don't know where to start. Is there a general order to read them or can you just read them however you want? I am planning on reading either Civil War or Ms. Marvel next! If you want to start reading Marvel comics and you don't know where to start, just look around the internet, google 'Marvel comics' and pick out something you really like (if you like Deadpool for example, just google 'Best Deadpool comics' or something like that and you will probably find a list of comics you could read. I do recommend getting the 'volumes' which usually have like eight or so comics in one book which is cheaper and a lot nicer to read. I own a single comic and I am honestly afraid of reading it because I'm afraid it'll tear or something like that. I do definitely recommend House of M not just to people who love the Maximoffs but just to people who want to read Marvel comics in general! My opinion on this book in one gif: (rushing through the book because I wanted to know how it went on)

Photo of Taylor Rae Peterson
Taylor Rae Peterson@taylorraepeterson
5 stars
Feb 6, 2023

My first comic book! STUNNING

Photo of Ryan LaFerney
Ryan LaFerney@ryantlaferney
3 stars
Dec 15, 2022

Written by comics legend Brian Michael Bendis, House of M is about what happens when Scarlet Witch (aka Wanda Maximoff) has a mental breakdown and attempts to recreate the universe. You see, she’s lost her two children—Billy and Tommy—as well as her grip on reality. The other Avengers and X-Men (in the comics, Wanda is a mutant) realize they must consider killing Wanda, because her reality-shaping powers pose an enormous threat to humanity if she cannot recover her sanity. Does her brother or father have anything to do with the warping of reality? What happens to the powers held by mutants upon the earth? Read this to find out. It will be interesting to see if WandaVision incorporates elements into the new MCU series. It certain seems like Wanda might have lost her grip on reality after the events of the previous MCU movie, where she kills Vision.

Photo of Omar AlHashmi
Omar AlHashmi@omaralhashmi
5 stars
Jul 11, 2022

H... O.... L... Y.... C... R... A... P... This was epic. Such a huge event that happened in the Marvel Universe and one that was done well. Finally I understand what has been happening with the x-men in the newer comics. Also I'm glad I read this before the messiah complex, since this leads to that. ALSO! Scarlet Witch is a freaking god. How is she is overpowered I don't understand. But anyway, it was a really good comic if you know what has been going on before this event and also if you want to know why stuff after this event has been happening the way it has.

Photo of s.
4 stars
May 28, 2022


Photo of Jb
4 stars
Mar 1, 2024
Photo of Malavika Kumar
Malavika Kumar@mlvk
4 stars
Dec 19, 2023
Photo of Jade Warren
Jade Warren@jade286
5 stars
Oct 1, 2023
Photo of Michael Cowell
Michael Cowell@chaosweeper
5 stars
Sep 12, 2023
Photo of Dimitris Papastergiou
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
5 stars
Jul 1, 2023
Photo of Alex
4 stars
May 28, 2023
Photo of Maya Johnson
Maya Johnson@sup3rn0va
4 stars
Feb 25, 2023
Photo of Nicola Zangrandi
Nicola Zangrandi@nicolapcweek94
5 stars
Feb 1, 2023
Photo of Abdullah
5 stars
Jan 31, 2023
Photo of Gigi
2 stars
Jan 15, 2023
Photo of Tylar M
Tylar M@queenserenity
3 stars
Jan 9, 2023
Photo of Fátima Martins
Fátima Martins@famarttins
3 stars
Dec 6, 2022
Photo of Giuseppe Iennaco
Giuseppe Iennaco@misterpeppe9
4 stars
Nov 30, 2022
Photo of Ahmed Bakr
Ahmed Bakr@abakr92
5 stars
Sep 1, 2022

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