Misfit Monsters Redeemed

Misfit Monsters Redeemed

Paizo's Classic Monsters Revisited sold out instantly, setting a new standard for re-imagining the most famous monsters of fantasy gaming. Dragons Revisited followed shortly thereafter, applying that unmistakable Paizo style to the great wyrms of swords & sorcery. Dungeon Denizens Revisited and Classic Horrors Revisited were soon to follow, each receiving critical plaudits, strong sales, and ballyhoos from gamers around the world. Pathfinder players (end even some members of the staff) began to wonder, is there any monster they can't re-invent? With the trepidation of an adventurer exploring a dungeon with a sweating forehead and a 10-foot pole, Paizo proudly presents Misfit Monsters Redeemed, an in-depth look at 10 of the lamest, most-hated, and flat out goofiest monsters ever to haunt a fantasy roleplaying campaign. People tell us we can improve any monster, so we've recruited the most misunderstood denizens of fantasy roleplaying to put that theory to the test. This soon-to-be legendary 64-page full-color volume includes all-new backgrounds, expansions, and tips for monstrous lovable losers like the adherer, delver, dire corby, disenchanter, flail snail, flumph, lava child, lurker above, tojanida and, of course, the insidious wolf-in-sheep's clothing. The gaming world will never be the same again!
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