Cy Twombly

Cy Twombly States of Mind : Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Drawing

Cy Twombly2009
The American artist Cy Twombly is regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Starting off from abstract expressionism, he developed his own original style using writing-like signs which he exaggerated in size into monumental, large-format canvases. The presentation at the MUMOKthe first in Austriabrings together works from all periods of his oeuvre and presents a new cycle of works specially created for the show. Twombly's pictures and sculptures evoke the ancient myths of the Mediterranean world though it is the incidental and underlying that is the focal point. The alternation between sensitivity and vulgarity, filigree technique and expressivity constitute the enormous tension in the works. The exhibition, presented as a retrospective, brings together genres that, up until now, have generally been shown separately sculpture, painting, drawing, graphic works, and photographs.
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