Cy Twombly Drawings

Cy Twombly Drawings Cat. Rais

Cy Twombly2011
The years 1970-71 were a very prolific period in which Cy Twombly, influenced by Leonardo da Vinci's Deluge drawings, created his iconic style: scribbled, calligraphic, and graffiti-like works on solid fields. In the late Kirk Varnedoe's words, this--most minimal-- phase of Twombly's oeuvre is characterized by a "nervous, obsessed energy, yet its trance-like mono - tony also opens out into a sense of serene, oceanic dissolution, in a nebular cloud of great depth and infinite complexity". His drawings of this phase featured in Vol. V of his Catalogue Raisonné of Drawings include, among others, acclaimed extensive series such as Roman Notes, Study for Treatise on the Veil, and Beyond (A System of Passing).
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