Lullaby Nightmareland Volume Two

***EDITING REVIEW AFTER FINISHING BOOK 5, CITY OF BLOOD, SINCE THE ONLY THING THAT PUT THIS AT 4.5 vs 5 STARS WAS THE SHORT, EPISODIC NATURE OF THESE BOOKS. CITY OF BLOOD BROUGHT THE SERIES INTO FOCUS AND WITH IT, A REALIZATION THAT THE SHORT, EPISODIC NATURE OF THESE FIRST 5 BOOKS WAS ESSENTIAL TO SETTING UP THE GRAND FINALE AS WELL AS TO ALLOWING US TO CONNECT WITH OUR CHARACTERS WITHOUT FEELING "DYSTOPIAN FATIGUE".*** Lullaby is short, just over 100 pages, but packs a LOT into a little as a journey through the desert turns dangerous. The thing I love so much about this series is how poetically beautiful Barnett’s writing is, even when it’s describing a terribly gruesome or brutal scene. Barnett’s world is dark, literally and figuratively, it’s bleak and that night is full of dangers. Dangers we are only now just getting hints of in the second book. I really enjoyed this book, however because it’s so short and only focuses on what equates to 1 or 2 scenes of what is a much larger story, but for me it just didn’t have that same impact as the first story. If you love horror you need to read this series. That’s all there is to it. It really is that good(so far) and I can’t wait to see where book 3 and the rest of the series leads.