David Osborn, Paul Morris
Wealth Can't Wait
Empower Your Freedom, Create Your Future & Build a Life Worth Living

Wealth Can't Wait Empower Your Freedom, Create Your Future & Build a Life Worth Living

Wealth isn't something you put off until later: You build it now. Wealth can't wait. What's more, wealth is good, because saying "yes" to wealth is saying "yes" to freedom it's giving you the power to choose and create the life you want. But, wealth must be built. And while this process involves steps and methods, this is something that with planning you can do with ease. It s an application of knowledge to life that has a built-in feedback loop. You apply your knowledge through effort or investment, you produce results, and you either win or lose. With the right methods, you win more than you lose (and you also learn from your losses). Begin by taking personal responsibility to pursue asset-based living living off the money produced by your assets, as opposed to living on cash-flow through the money produced through income. There's a smart way to do this, and Wealth Can't Wait shows you how to go about becoming wealthy, step-by-step. This is an exclusive look at the strategies that two of the most successful agents in the world's most successful real-estate company have employed to build businesses and develop investments that bring them millions of dollars of income every year, through their assets alone. Wealth Can't Wait gives you the story of how Paul Morris and David Osborn developed their fortunes and fine-tuned their investment and growth strategies. Wealth Can't Wait takes you from their beginnings with David as a budding real-estate agent with a talent for organization and sales and natural entrepreneurial instincts, and Paul as a lawyer who learned that his passion for real-estate acquisition complemented the analytical skills he acquired in practicing law, as well as the rebellious spirit that led him to create his own path to wealth. As we see the authors build their businesses and amass their wealth, we learn from what they taught themselves about building businesses; investing, personal growth, service and giving back. Paul Morris and David Osborn share their journey and the lessons that they've learned lessons that anyone can use to ascend the mountain they choose to climb. Wealth Can't Wait shows readers how to build wealth by building their minds, their habits, their business, and their systems."
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