
Terra Incognita features six interconnected stories focusing on fan-favorite crew members of the Enterprise-D--including Deanna Troi, Wesley Crusher, and Selar. Each of these six stories are connected by the machinations of Barclay's sinister doppelganger. What does Mirror Barclay want, and what's to become of his Prime-universe counterpart?! While the stories are interconnected by Mirror Barclay, each one can be read as a complete and separate entry. I feel that all the writers get the tone of the characters exactly right, making this an authentic read. The last story is a bit of a cliff-hanger. I'm really hoping there is more to the TNG Mirror universe comic series because it is very enjoyable, well-done, and intriguing. I want to know just how the TNG Mirror universe resolves their desires to get their hands on Federation starships on behalf of the Mirror Empire!