Deal Maker

Funny, sappy, lovely, just a wiff of angst and utterly entertaining. August 2020 - Listening to the audiobook Amazing job by Joel Leslie.

Which rock was I living under till now that I didn’t discover Lily Morton before? Believe me when I tell you that you are missing out on all the fun if you haven’t read this series yet. I loved Jude in Rule Breaker because he is such a good friend and I was very excited to read his story and this one didn’t disappoint. He is an underwear model, so Asa and a lot of other people just assume he is vain, shallow and vapid. But he is very thoughtful, kind, loyal and smart and a bookworm. He loves reading historical romances people….. a man after my own heart 💖💖💖. And when he decides to prove Asa right and behave like the worst assistant ever, it’s quite hilarious. He is so sassy and I almost fell down laughing so many times. Asa is a big guy with a very charming personality and a heart of gold. Except when he assumes stuff about Jude due to his own past experiences. But he is a wonderful person, great friend, treats everyone well irrespective of who they are and never puts on airs just because he is a star. He is a great father and I loved how he was both strict and playful with Billy and built such a warm and loving home atmosphere for him. It was great to see Asa and Jude together. The banter is obviously highly entertaining but what’s better is that they share a much deeper connection. Asa needs someone who can be a supportive dependable partner, who loves Billy and can understand him. Jude has been burnt many times in relationships due to his family responsibilities and he believes he will always disappoint his partner. What he doesn’t realise is that Asa is older and wiser and can actually understand his obligations, if only just given a chance. It was heartbreaking to read about two guys so much in love but still staying away because they don’t realise that they are exactly what the other needs. This book again has amazing side characters. We get to see more of Gabe and Dylan as a couple and it was so nice. Gabe is definitely a lot more open and warm and Dylan is very cheerful. Billy is the most adorable little boy ever. He is very jovial, smart and so loving, it was a joy to watch the progression of his relationship with Jude. His sweet innocence and acceptance of his dad’s relationship is very heartening. Peggy is a delightful grandmotherly figure and I admired her dedication to Asa and Billy. Amos can make even the most happiest thought seem depressing but his dry humor was just too amusing. The epilogue is very beautiful with lots of feels and I had a lot of happy tears in my eyes. I wish the author writes more books in this series, especially about Henry. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves fun romances or smart and thoughtful characters. It was a thoroughly entertaining read.