Dream Dark: A Beautiful Creatures Story
When Link joined his best friend, Ethan Wate, on a quest through a mysterious network of underground passageways endlessly crisscrossing the South, he knew the journey would be dangerous. But returning home to Gatlin, South Carolina was just the beginning... Wounded during a climactic battle, Link discovers that tending his injuries won't be as simple as visiting a doctor and that healing his arm should be the least of his worries. For being bitten by a Supernatural does more than break the skin -- it changes a person, inside and out, turning Link into someone more and more like the dark creature who injured him. In this never-before-seen short story by New York Times bestselling authors Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, listeners witness Link's heart-racing transformation. Dream Dark is set before the much-anticipated third Beautiful Creatures novel, Beautiful Chaos, and as a special bonus includes an exclusive sneak peek at the first five chapters. Dream Dark word count: ~10,000


link is one of my favorites

Jessica Williamson@jlw_writes
Interesting little piece. Basically it just describes Link's change and shows his relationship with Ridley. It also gives some clues for what is going to happen in book 3. Short read, but I liked it. I'm pretty sure it's like $.99 on the kindle so definitely worth the dollar to get a short little look inside Link's head.

Kenna Armstrong@mskennajean
1.99 for that?? It was short!! I read that within like 45 minutes, don't think I've ever read something that fast. It was ok though, it gave a little insight about Link and Ridley.

Milea Webb@irishgirl1613

Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah

esme villanueva@esmevillanueva

Leticia Leal@theillumiletty


Kristen Domonkos @kdomo13

Katie Ravenwood@katieravenwood

Stephanie Pilar@capsaicinx

Elizabeth Neill@beersbooksandboos

Nanette Copeland@ravinfear

Kwan Ann Tan@kwananntan

Jill Connors@jillec

Elizabeth Alfiero@ealfiero17

Sarah Vaughan@sarahlee1164

Meredith kirby@witchytrippin

Trula Rockwell@magnoliasandcrystals

Heather French@hfrench

Mahalee PArtner@mahaleegrace

Kirsten Adam@kcs_adam
