Thomas the Rhymer

Thomas the Rhymer

Ellen Kushner2004
Follows the adventures of Thomas the Rhymer, a gifted young minstrel, who is kidnapped by the Queen of Elfland and forced to live as an immortal in her utopian kingdom. Reprint.
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Photo of Aleena Korell
Aleena Korell@aleena
5 stars
Dec 15, 2021

Sometimes you take a chance on a random $1 paperback and it pays off. Thanks HPB <3

Photo of Mireya Miner
Mireya Miner@mireyaminer
4 stars
Oct 16, 2022
Photo of Isabella
5 stars
Nov 3, 2022
Photo of Rachel Rozdzial
Rachel Rozdzial@razzledazzle
4 stars
Nov 16, 2021

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