Motion, Direction and Location in Languages In honor of Zygmunt Frajzyngier
This book contributes to an area of study that is of interest to linguists of all backgrounds. Typological in nature this volume presents data analysis from the major language families of Africa as well as Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian, Japanese, Indo-European, Siouan and Penutian. The 16 contributors to the volume share a commitment to examining the language phenomena pertaining to the volume’s theme with a fresh eye. While most of the papers make reference to existing theoretical frameworks, each also makes a novel and sometimes surprising contribution to the body of knowledge and theory concerning motional, directional and locational predicates, complements, morphology, adpositions and other phenomena. This collection of articles suitably complements courses on comparative and diachronic linguistics, semantics, syntax, typology, or field methods.