
"Cath felt like she was swimming in words. Drowning in them, sometimes." I can see why people prefer this over Eleanor and Park. As always, Rainbow Rowell never ceases to amaze me with her wit, style, and humor. 10/10 would read all over again. It's the kind that makes you wish your memory were wiped out, just so you could experience it all again for the first time.

SO FUN!!!!

Opět jsem od knihy Rainbow Rowell měla vyšší očekávání. Fangirl všichni vždycky vychvalovali, a tak jsem si jí jednoho dne bezmyšlenkovitě koupila - ne že bych toho přímo litovala, ale asi bych se bez přečtení obešla. Naše hlavní hrdinka mi ze začátku byla strašně nepříjemná, je to přesně taková ta zvláštní nerdka, kterou má každá střední škola. Postupem času jsem si na ní ale zvykla a začala nahlížet do jejího života, a během několika desítek stránek jsem si k ní našla cestu. Kniha pojednává o rodinných problémech, zklamáních, strachu z neznáma a dospívání. Předává vám hlavně jednu důležitou zprávu, a to tu, že někdy je dobré vylézt ze své komfortní zóny. Že je v pořádku být sama sebou a zdokonalovat se, nebát se všeho, co je pro vás neobvyklé. ✩ 3,5*/5*, stejně jako u Eleanor & Park, byla to hezká knížka, ale obešla bych se bez ní. Ještě že tam byl Levi :Dd

I have never been transported back in time quite so quickly, nor so closely... It elicited quite the response, and now I'm sort of in mourning. This book may not speak truth to everyone, but it spoke my 18 year old truth better than I ever did myself... probably because I was too busy speaking some Harry Potter's character's truth to strangers online instead...

this was my first rainbow rowell book and it was probably my favorite. even to this day, 4 years after reading it first I sometimes crave it. the dialogue is SO GOOD, and I love reading Cath's inner monologue. she was such a lovable and relatable main character, and I resonated with her in a way I have never with a character. LOVED THE OTHER CHARACTERS TOO!! Levi was an absolute ray of sunshine,, and cath and levi together perfectly balanced each other out. i loved the roommate. the twin sister. the simon snow obsessions! though I think we could've done without so many pages on pages of cath's fanfic, this book just sticks with me in SUCH A WAY that I will never forget this book.


The cliffhanger, i knew it!!!!

Loved it related to Cath so much. 3.5

I liked this book, I did. I swear I did. ...But there is a reason that I don't read contemporary books if they're over 350 pages. And this merely exemplified the reason. No matter how much I may enjoy the characters and the premise and the world and the atmosphere and stuff... when contemporary books are this long, they tend to drag on. Like, a lot. I'm not kidding, I thought that we were reaching the climax halfway through the book, at the end of the spring semester. That's when I felt the plot and the tension rising and it seemed like everything was set up to get resolved... but there were, like, two hundred pages left. And then, by the time the REAL climax came around it didn't feel climactic to me. I'd already felt the climax, the rising pressure and I didn't feel it again. BUT-- I did still like it. I said I liked it, remember? What I really loved, about the real ending, was that it tied Cath's life problems into the story, especially her mom. I mean, throughout the story, Cath's life problems were the pressure on her. her social ineptness, her sister's drinking, her dad's crazy, her obsession with fanfiction were all main focuses. And there were little sprinkles about her mother throughout, but this was never IN the main focus. But it was the main problem. It is from her mother's abandonment that all her other problems spawned. I think this was well done because this is how I feel it would happen in real life. the source of the problems is there, and you see it, but you don't focus on it. Until the end, when everything needs to be resolved.


3,5 🌟 I like it, I thought it was an enjoyable read. But do I love it? No, I don’t think so. Maybe I expected too much from this book, but how wouldn’t I when everyone on goodreads seem to love it. And this book is like one of the classic bookworm reads. First of all, I didn’t get enough “Fangirl” aspect from this book. I just can’t relate to Cath like I thought I would. Perhaps because I don’t write fanfics? She loves Simon and Baz, yes. But it feels like she’s a fan of “her” Simon and Baz. I just don’t see her love as a fangirl aside from writing fanfics 😅 And Levi.... oh my God I love him so much! He has a really sweet personality, and he cares a lot about Cath since first few chapters which I love 😍 Levi became one of my motivation to finish this book, honestly.

3,5 sih ya

É a terceira vez que leio esse livro - eu sei, tenho que parar com as releituras -, mas foi só dessa fez que o adicionei no grupo dos favoritos. Em parte, talvez, por estar lendo depois de Carry On, o que fez com que eu entendesse 100% a Cath. Me apaixonei por Simon e Baz da mesma forma que ela. Além disso, entendo tudo mais que ela sente. Sinto como se estivesse lendo uma versão de mim, uma versão talentosa rs. “Por baixo dessa aparência de um pouco maluca e levemente retardada socialmente, eu sou um completo desastre” EU!!!!!! “Que sensação boa era escrever num quarto só dela, numa cama só dela! Perder-se no Mundo dos Magos e não voltar.” Mude escrever por “ler” ou “assistir” e insira qualquer universo fantasioso no lugar de Mundo dos Magos (na verdade, Mundo dos Magos serve perfeitamente. Afinal, estou indo agora mesmo ler Carry On pela terceira vez.) e mais uma vez parece que o livro é sobre mim. Mas, mais que isso, consigo, dessa vez, ver o casal lindo e real que Rainbow desenvolveu. Levi e Cather são tao maravilhosos juntos que dá vontade de chorar. Não que eu não gostasse deles da primeira e da segunda vez que li, não tem como não gostar, mas agora é tudo muito mais bonito e honesto. E o Levi é tao fofo putss “Gosto do fato de você não sorrir pra todo mundo porque, quando sorri pra mim... Cather.” SERIO AFFF!!! Fora todo o restante de desenvolvimento da história, como o relacionamento com a irmã e com o restante das pessoas da faculdade. Com a mãe. E principalmente com o pai. Fiquei absolutamente apaixonada com a relação dela com o pai, sério. Achei muito bonito mesmo. Enfim, não sei mais o que dizer. Só sei exaltar esse livro. Rainbow Rowell não sabe fazer obra ruim, a escrita é impecável. Já sei que vou ler outra vez em algum momento, não sei viver sem a releitura dos meus favoritos.

This book is beautiful. Absolutely stunning. It really wasn't what I was expecting, though I don't even know what those expectations were. All I know is in the end, I was in love and that's all that matters. This book is about so many things: family, friendship, knowing who you are as a person and being ok with that. It's about acceptance, with who your family is and just who you are and want to be. I loved all the different aspects of this book. It wasn't just a romance. It was about her relationship with her dad, her sister, the mother that left when she was a child. It was about her finding courage to do the things she didn't want to do and coming to terms with her anxiety. The main characters love of fan-fiction was such a fun aspect of this book. You really felt like you were peeking into Cath's life. There were a few things I didn't necessarily love though. For some reason, it took me a while to really get into this book. This could just have to do with my hectic schedule and college and what not but It really took me a while to get invested in the story. I think part of this is because I didn't totally get the main character at first. It took me a moment to get her character figured out. But once I did, everything started making sense and I was able to understand her point of view. Also, I thought the pacing was a bit...off. I don't know if anyone else felt this way but towards the end I thought some things were wrapped up a little late or too early, or the middle was too bulky. Don't get me wrong, the end was fantastic and it fit nicely I just found my self wanting more of some things. That being said, those few things don't take away any of my love for this book AT ALL. This story is graceful and full of heart. Rainbow has this amazing way of making every character so real and thoughtful. I also really (REALLY REALLY) loved Levi. He is an absolute dream. He's tall and sweet and I just loved reading about him. Some other favorite characters were her dad, who was so interesting, and Reagan who I found extremely hilarious. Long story short, read this book. Your heart will thank you.

I wish I have my own Levi.

i heard such good things about the book and i was so sad when i realised it was all filler words and basic romance not my cup of tea but quite well written

It was a nice read. The protagonist was annoying at some points, but it all ended well, because the character developed as she should have.

Seeing this story as drawings is just SO pretty and heartwarming, I loved it.

Reading this was torture

** spoiler alert ** it was meh. i felt like the story was snippets of semi boring parts of cath's life. also, i wasn't really into levi in the beginning. i thought nick was going to be THE guy, so i was disappointed when it didnt happen. was not excited about the characters. the problems cath faced were just minor speedbumps that frustrated me. i strongly disliked when carry on/ simon snow books were included

I think this book was way too cute for me to handle. Hach. And Levi…I officially have a thing for guys with this name like seriously. It was also pretty refreshing that the main character wasn't a good like boy who makes every girl swoon over him.

★★★✩✩ (3) No todo es fantasía. Leí Fangirl hace mucho tiempo y, aunque no fui fan en ningún momento del libro, sí hubo momentos en los que disfruté leerlo, así que estaba muy emocionada por el manga. Las ilustraciones son bonitas, recuerdo partes de la historia y amo demasiado las partes de Simon y Baz. Me gusta, no me enloquece, pero es bueno.

acabo de recordar que me gusta levi. quiero un levi. yo también quiero alguien que me pida leer lo que escribo y le guste escuchar mi voz. so levi.

read this when i was 12 and it meant the world to me but now i realise its just mid 😭

God, his chin. She wanted to make an honest woman of his chin. She wanted to lock it down.

She was scared that he’d start touching her, and then that they wouldn’t stop. She was scared that she wasn’t ready to be that person yet. The person who doesn’t stop.

“I’ve never wanted you around,” Simon said, trying to push past his roommate.
“Point.” Baz moved to block the door. “That was true. Until you decided that you always wanted me around—that life is just a hollow shell of itself unless you know my heart is beating somewhere in the very local vicinity.”

“You’re my mother,” Cath said. Her fists were even tighter. “Try harder.”

It was like looking at nobody at all.
And then it was like looking at the person you expected to see comforting you when you woke up from a nightmare.

There followed a long go-nowhere conversation during which she tried to memorize the planes of his face. (It was harder than you’d think; they were constantly shifting.) She’d almost kissed him then.…

“I’m what’s left of you,” the Humdrum said.

“You shouldn’t reward me for endangering your life, you know. Think of the precedent you’re setting.”

A few weeks. Sure. Like a few weeks will fix the hole in my head.

“I’ll drive you home.”
“On your white horse?”
“In my red truck.”

Levi’s eyebrows were pornographic

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

You give away nice like it doesn’t cost you anything.”

“You flirt with everything.” She could tell that her eyes were popping—her eyeballs actually felt cold around the edges. “You flirt with old people and babies and everybody in between.”

“It’s okay if you’re crazy,” he said softly.
“You don’t even know—”
“I don’t have to know,” he said. “I’m rooting for you.”

It wasn’t that Cath couldn’t think of an argument. It was that there were so many. The arguments in her brain were like a swarm of people running from a burning building and getting stuck in the door.

Pero no hay nada más profundo que crear algo de la nada. Piénsalo Cath. Eso es lo que hace un dios... o una madre. No hay nada más embriagador como la creación. Crear algo por ti misma. - Levi

Somebody had taken the time to carve most of "Stairway to Heaven" into the stall door; it was a serious amount of carving. English majors.
why is this me… 😂