For the Wolf Wilderwood, #1

ahhhhhh this was SO GOOD!!!! i haven't felt like this since i read one dark window, this book was so so perfect and possibly my new favorite. the writing was so beautiful and vivid, it was like witnessing it firsthand instead of reading words on a page. i love love love red and eammon's dynamic, the way eammon wanted nothing more than to protect everyone so they wouldn't keep getting hurt because of his perceived weakness. the wilderwood itself, longing for someone to CHOOSE it, wanting to feel loved. lyra and fife's love for each other, the love between red and neve that ran so deep neve did anything she could in an attempt to get her sister back.
all of it was just PERFECT. 10/10.

The writing and imagery in this were really good. Just a shame the story was kind of cliche and pretty boring throughout most.
The ending was super predictable from about chapter 7 onward, and the romance stuff seemed really rushed and kind of hollow

I found myself wishing this was written from a first-person point of view so that there would be more emotional attachment and the characters would be more dimensional! Last few chapters kinda lost me but enjoyed the book overall :)

it got a little bit muddy but i’m just a sucker for a folktale retelling / spin

I liked the vibe/atmosphere of the book setting, but felt like some things could be improved. The magic system took forever to be explained, and even though I liked the characters, they were one dimensional. I will continue with the next one.

This was okay. I think I liked the idea of this book more than the reality of it. I found the relationships and characters to read a bit one-dimensional. The middle of the book was also very slow and repetitive which lessened my enjoyment of the book. Finally, this was more a mesh of the Beauty and the Beast and the Little Red Riding Hood fairytales than I expected.

WHAT. IN. THE. WORLD... What did I just READ? RTC because it's currently 1 am and i have school early tomorrow also i need time to process that ENDING!


I'm not a fan of the execution but Eammon is such a sweetheart 😍 He's easily the best part of the book

Update 2023 - yeah on reflection i did not like this. great vibes. but yeah ehhhh.

4 stars

the emotional attachments i have formed to these characters really better watch themselves because i know something is right around the corner to make me cry again in the next book

Thank goodness I’m finished. Liked the ending, wasn’t a fan of the rest of the book :/

The world building part was to extensive for me to enjoy it. But I’m craving more about Neverah and Raffe so yes I’m reading book 2

A tale of two sisters and their love for one another is a refreshing tale in the fantasy genre. The plot is intriguing, the setting is very atmospheric and eerie in the perfect “dangerous ancient magic” way, and the characters are a delight. This retelling is exactly the spin “Little Red Riding Hood” needed. It’s a darker, creepier, and wonderfully written version of one of my favorite folktales/fairytales.

4.5 Can't wait for the next one!!!

More like a 3.5

I wanted to love this more than I actually loved it. It was mostly entertaining but but became entirely too predictable and I lost interest at about 70%. I skimmed the last chapters and wont pick up the next book.

This book brought me out of my reading funk! It is so magical and beautifully written. It takes inspiration from several fairytales without being childish or gimmicky. I absolutely loved Red and Eammon and the world around them! Written almost in prose in some parts and yet very easily digestible. I was not a huge fan of Neve’s point of view and thought her voice could have been better differentiated from Red’s. I always trudged through her chapters waiting to get back to Red’s. Otherwise, I loved everything about it and would recommend to anyone!!

I struggled trying to finish the book. The plot looked convincing at the beginning but almost anything happens in the first half of the book and the characters are... Well, pretty simple. I won't continue the series.

would have been better if they fucked while everyone still thought she was dead

this was a bit disappointing. i really had to TRY to get invested into the characters and story, it didn’t come easily — however once things did start getting more interesting in the last quarter of the book when the storylines started converging, I found it to be enjoyable. the chapters in neve’s pov were so much more fun to read about than all the chapters in red’s pov even though she’s the MC (mainly because there were so many repetitive action scenes that I did not care for). the romance in the book had potential but i felt it was never really delivered on. all that being said, i will be picking up the sequel at some point because I heard some good things about it and I am curious where the story will go!

I really wanted to love this book, but it was just meh. Interesting concept, but just kinda one-sided characters. Won't be continuing the series, cuz well, I don't care. Ending was dumb.

"A forest in your bones, a graveyard beneath your feet. There are no heroes here."- for the wolf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ⭐ 1/5 I am so disappointed, I was really looking forward to reading For The Wolf. I was expecting a interesting, dark fantasy retelling of red riding hood. What I got was repetition and shallow characters who were unwilling adapt and had little to no development. It honestly felt like the characters where monologueing at each other rather than conversing, there was no meaningful communication for most of the book. Not to mention the magic system was a nightmare with no real rules, it felt like it was being made up as the story went. When you think you understand it something that complete contradicts the rules happens. They kept using their blood to fix things quickly rather than properly use magic and it felt like the author threw in blood magic at an attempt to make it a dark fantasy. Instead it trivialised self harm and glorified self sacrifice. Especially as there were other options to fix the issue like using magic, apparently bleeding out was better than getting a bit taller (literally 1 inch). To top it of nothing about red made sense. She had magic but no roots (which you need to use the magic). she refused to return because she might hurt people with magic, but when offered a chance to learn to control it she says NO! Surely if she wanted to keep people safe from her magic she would try to master it! she was more powerful than the wolf before she had a y really connection to the wilderwood and its not explained why she could do these things other then saying 'shes the second daughter' or because 'she is for the wolf'. Like she could literally right after she walked in if she had wanted. Also the kissing scene where kinda off putting 😒 the way they were written were a little blunt in a way that made them uncomfortable rather than enticing. I will admit I enjoyed the final battle and there is some well written paragraphs to qoute but I'm don't think it convinced me to read more of this series.

"A forest in your bones, a graveyard beneath your feet. There are no heroes here."

I crawled from the sea to the land with the intention of ending worlds. Sometimes, I did. A city is a world, to some. A village.

"I have two eyes, for one thing. And you, Raffe, walk around like a man carrying the weight of the whole world. Who else would you carry it for?"

"I don't think I can mourn her. I mourn the idea of her"
"Sometimes you don't mourn people so much as you mourn who they could've been"

White, for piety. Black, for absence. Scarlet, for sacrifice.

Thev all knew that love made monstrous things necessary sometimes. They all knew their own capacity to burn worlds down.

Why were her eyes burning? Neve blinked. The thought of someone calling after the person they loved, doing the impossible for just a chance at seeing them again, made her heart feel too big for her ribs to cage.
Gorgeous in-world Orpheus and Eurydice story

Strange and humbling, what loneliness could do.

"A forest in your bones, a a graveyard beneath your feet. There are no heroes here."