Sun Tzu's the Art of War Plus Parenting Teens The World's Best Guide to Strategy Plus a Line-by-Line Adaptation for Raising Teenagers

I have very little to say about this book. I think, as it's only 100 pages long I may have to re-read it. Or perhaps, study it, to gain much insight from it.

very enlightening yes

wanted to try something new, pretty interesting

I listened to the audiobook while doing my school work. I had the ebook open as well while listening and highlighted my favorite lines. What an interesting read!

will reread

It’s an okay book, if you are curious about war or a war general. (Russian war general seems to only read the section on raiding and plundering, and ignored the wise parts, good for us) I was reading it in a hope to find something I cold use in my daily life, I’ve found some general mindset ideas: - winning depends on you preparing a defense and watching for mistakes by your opponent - you should be ready before there are any signs of an attack But the rest of the book I took at face value: it’s about war. Hence 3 stars.

It's not for everyone but good for athletes. Requires you to step back and see the wider picture to apply this in your daily life.

The advices on its own is good, very good. It’s such a blessing that this text survived the Mao administration. But oh well, given to a startup founder with elementary proficiency in English and none in mandarin, this one is real prone to misinterpretation and abuse.

Lo leí muy joven y no le entendí 😭

When you translate a book that was written 2,500 years ago, there is bound to be a bit that is lost in translation. This version has 13 chapters which each contain a list of advice that applies to the chapter's theme. It's more of a "how to" book than a novel. I wouldn't really use the word "art" to describe what is presented here; it's more like The Lists of How to War".

Great book! Very handy if you own a city and/or an army and want to start war with another!

Great book! Very handy if you own a city and/or an army and want to start war with another!

Short, some useful lessons, but felt overhyped to me. This book simply preaches wisdom, patience and thinking. I think this is one of those “classics” you can skip.

Strategies described in it are good but I think I picked a wrong edition. The edition which was narrated by usha Munshi. The full description of the all strategies were so mild and seemed lazy writing containing not so good examples. If you want to grasp this book in good way then check the edition before reading it

The version I read had a lot of wordy annotation and commentary. I read about half the book before deciding to skip the comments and just focus on the text itself. Much more enjoyable this way!

Although short, this is a book to be read across multiple sittings, with time to reflect on what you’ve just read rather than in one take.

Enjoyed this because of the narrator.

أول ٨٥ صفحه من الكتاب عبارة عن رغي كتير وتكرار للكلام بدون داعي، واعتقد الترجمة كانت ممكن تكون أحسن من كدا بكتير.. أنصح بقرائته الحقيقة رغم تقييمي الضعيف !

لم أندم أني تأخرتُ بقراءة الكتاب، ولم أجد فيه شيئاً مبهراً. حقيقة كثرة "التطبيل" لبعض الكتب يجعل بينك وبينها حاجز وهمي من السطوة، لكن حين تقتحم غماره تجده عادياً؛ بله أقل من عادي. وأستغرب ممن جعله واجب القراءة على الجميع وكأنّه إنجيل الحروب! بعض النصائح فيه يعرفها أصغر جندي في أبسط قطعة عسكرية، وما أرى الشهرة المرافقة له إلا لكونه ألف قبل آلاف السنين إضافة إلى تقديس كل ما يأتينا من الصين _باعتباره قطع شوطاً من الحكمة_ الخلاصة: لا تتهيب قراءة الكتب، خض التجربة بنفسك لتعرف أنّ الأمر أبسط مما تظن، وأقل مما يهوّل الناس.

Sun Tsu's writing might get underrated if it's read by those who are not ready to do so. From the mature thoughts to the simplisting and understandable writing, this book gives the reader a lot. Not only strategies for the real battlefield, but truths about life. I would recommend it to those who'd lived enough to ask themselves "Who am I, and why am I like that?". The biggest change comes from the inside of the and in order to truly understand what's written inside, the reader has to want it.

— Amir

Valuable translation bringing new perspectives.

Interesante. Nunca lo había leído, pero siempre me llamo la atención. Es cierto que si bien habla de la guerra, tiene otras aplicaciones. Hay conceptos que son un poco de sentido común, pero verlos complicados igualmente tiene otro valor.

3.5 stars “Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.” “Numerical weakness comes from having to prepare against possible attacks; numerical strength, from compelling our adversary to make these preparations against us.”

It is you who determine your own invincibility, but whether the enemy can be conquered or not rests with him.