Tits, Ass & Real Estate

Tits, Ass & Real Estate An Autobiographical Road Trip Through the Other America

Gary Groth2003
Populated by junkies, grifters, hustlers, strippers, pimps, and various strains of victims and criminals, this is a biting, satiric portrait of America from the lower depths. If you put Henry Miller, Charles Bukowski, and Kathy Acker in a blender and added the ratty, unadorned drawing style of of Charles Rodriguez, you'd have some idea of how hot and incendiary a brew this is. A collection of autobiographical stories, Eve Gilbert allows readers full access to her unglamorous world, filled with people most of us hope we never have to meet. "The Real Resume" is a depressingly realistic tour of the various wage-slave jobs Gilbert has held over the years. Another highlight is "Pregnate?"--which was written in San Fransisco porn store while Gilbert was waiting for an interview-- in which Gilbert relates to how she ended up pregnant despite a safety net of latex, with no money for even a pregnancy test, let alone an abortion. Unflinchingly, candid and caustic, Gilbert has one of the most uniquely confident and iconoclastic voices to hit the world of graphic novels in several years.
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