
Globalization A Basic Text

George Ritzer2010
List of Figures. Preface. 1. Globalization I: Liquids, Flows, and Structures. Some of the Basics. From Solids to Liquids (to Gases). Flows. Does Globalization Hop Rather Than Flow? Heavy, Light, Weightless. Heavy Structures That Expedite Flows. Heavy Structures as Barriers to Flows. Subtler Structural Barriers. Structure and Process. On the Increasing Ubiquity of Global Flows (and Processes) and Structures. Thinking About Global Flows and Structures. Chapter Summary. 2. Globalization II: Some Basic Issues, Debates, and Controversies. Is There Such a Thing as Globalization? If There Is Such a Thing as Globalization, When Did It Begin? Globalization or Globalizations? What Drives Globalization? If There Is Such a Thing as Globalization, Is It Inexorable? Does Globaphilia or Globaphobia Have the Upper Hand? If Globalization Is Not Inexorable, Has It Gone Too Far? What, if Anything, Can be Done About Globalization? Chapter Summary. 3. Globalization and Related Processes I: Imperialism, Colonialism, Development, Westernization, Easternization. Imperialism. Colonialism. Development. Westernization. Easternization. Comparisons with Globalization. The Era of the "Posts". Chapter Summary. 4. Globalization and Related Processes II: Americanization and Anti-Americanism. Clarifying Americanization. Some Useful Conceptual Distinctions. America's Logistical Technologies. A Broader and Deeper View of the Americanization of Consumer Culture. An American Empire? Minimizing the Importance of Americanization. Anti-Americanism. Post-Americanization. Chapter Summary. 5. Neo-Liberalism: Roots, Principles, Criticisms, and Neo-Marxian Alternatives. The Past, Present, and Future of Neo-Liberalism. Neo-Liberalism: An Exemplary Statement and the Basic Principles. Popular Neo-Liberal "Theory": The Case of Thomas Friedman. Critiquing Neo-Liberalism. Neo-Liberalism as Exception. Neo-Liberalism: The Case of Israel The End of History. The Death of Neo-Liberalism? Neo-Marxian Theoretical Alternatives to Neo-Liberalism. Chapter Summary. 6. Global Political Structures and Processes. On Political Processes and Flows. The Nation-State. Threats to the Nation-State. In Defense of the Nation-State. "Imagined Community". Changes in Global Nation-State Relations. Other Global Political Developments and Structures. Regional Political Organizations. Global Governance. Civil Society. Other Players. Chapter Summary. 7. Structuring the Global Economy. Before Bretton Woods. Bretton Woods and the Bretton Woods System. The End of Bretton Woods. Changes in, and Critiques of, Bretton-Woods-Era Organizations. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). European Union (Common Market). North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). MERCOSUR. OPEC. The Multinational Corporation (MNC). World Economic Forum. The Myth of Economic Globalization? Chapter Summary. 8. Global Economic Flows: Production and Consumption. Trade. Increasing Competition for Commodities. The Economic Impact of the Flow of Oil. Race to the Bottom and Upgrading. Outsourcing. Financial Globalization. Corporations, People, and Ideas. Consumption. Chapter Summary. 9. Global Culture and Cultural Flows. Cultural Differentialism. Cultural Hybridization. Cultural Convergence. Cultural Imperialism. Chapter Summary . 10. High-Tech Global Flows and Structures: Technology, Media, and the Internet. Technology. Media. The Internet. Chapter Summary. 11. Global Flows of People: Vagabonds and Tourists. Migrants. Migration. Tourists and Tourism. Chapter Summary. 12. Global Environmental Flows. Differences among Nation-States. Collapse. The Leading Environmental Problems. Global Responses. Chapter Summary 13. Negative Global Flows and Processes: Dangerous Imports, Diseases, Crime, Terrorism, War. Dangerous Imports. Borderless Diseases. Crime. Corruption. Terrorism. War. The Impact of Negative Global Flows on Individuals. Chapter Summary. 14. Global Inequalities I: Patterns of Inequality. Inequality. Rural-Urban. Chapter Summary. 15. Global Inequalities II: Global Majority-Minority Relations. Majority-Minority Relations in a Global Context. Social Definitions. Race and Ethnicity. Ethnicity. Race. Gender. Children. Sexual Minorities: Gays and Lesbians. Responding to and Resisting Minority Status: The Case of Women. Chapter Summary. 16. Dealing with, Resisting, and the Futures of, Globalization. Dealing with Globalization. Resisting Globalization. The Futures of Globalization. Chapter Summary. Appendix: Disciplinary Approaches to Globalization. Anthropology. Sociology. Political Science. Economics. Geography. Psychology. Literary Criticism (Postcolonial). Other Fields. Glossary. Index.
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