Getting Played

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

Getting Played is a book I read in one sitting. I just couldn't put it down. I loved both Dean and Lainey from the start. I'm also always excited when a main character of a book happens to be a blogger. That's something I always enjoy and I loved getting a glimpse of what she loved to do. Dean Walker is a teacher and coah during the school year, but trades his geeky side to be a rock star during the summer. I loved that there was more than one side to him. He loves being with the band, but trading that to be with his students is something he loves. Dean definitely has a place on my really long book boyfriend list. The way he was with his students was amazing and I was grateful that played a part in this story. Lainey is a strong woman and was able to build a career out of her blogging. That's amazing and so creative. She's a single mom to her teenage son and their bond was something that really stood out in this book. Lainey was really there for him and it's clear he knew that she was there for him. She has a fun family and the descriptions of all of her sisters made me laugh out loud. Lainey and Dean have chemistry and they're proof a one night stand can change your life. Getting Played shows us that when things are meant to be, it will happen. A pregnancy on top of everything definitely made this story interesting and gave it many laugh out loud moments. Seeing the sensitive sides of these characters was really heartwarming. If you're looking for a feelgood, heartwarming romance that will make you laugh out loud, definitely pick up Getting Played. The main characters are amazing, but the side characters really complete this story. And fans of Getting Schooled will be happy to get a glimpse of the characters we got to know in love in that book!