
Gracias a Shakespeare encontré mi verdadero yo (Ophelia)

Not my favorite

I am heartbroken, and I cannot take my mind off of poor Ophelia. I cannot believe I have only just read Hamlet now, but thankful that I have. Each character’s treatment of and ideology around death seems so twisted and almost disassociated at times. In particular, Hamlet’s treatment of Ophelia is haunting in my opinion - my heart aches for her truly.


1) Play within a play. 2) Outsmarted Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. 'Nuf said, fucking brilliant, man.

it's incredible that a centuries old and packed with silly insults story about being consumed with grief can be so relatable

This is so much funnier the second time around, non stop giggles sitting reading this in public I look insane! But I love this dearly, sweet baby Ophelia you are so adored<3 Shakey knows how to write the funniest yet most insufferable men, a very enthralling reading experience. Obsessed

For class. Enjoyed. Poor Ophelia (duh).

Elizabethan Drama made me read this

The rare exception to the rule where reading something for English actually made the story both more accessible and more enjoyable. My favourite Shakespeare play (of the admittedly few I've read / seen).

Another silly text/emoji version of Shakespeare! These are fun because they're accurate, but goofy. The textspeak is already feeling out-of-date, but it's still fun. I like to use these to preview scenes for my students before we read the original text. It's fun, silly, and useful. Yes, you lose the subtlety and many of the details, but you catch the relationships and get the gist of the story.

my bad shakespeare i can't catch up, maybe next time (also doesn't help that my attention span is of a goldfish)

I feel likes Hamlet most time

Like "The Lion King." If Simba had had a sister. And Simba's sister had done herself in right about the time they were singing "Can You Feel The Love Tonight." Oh, and no fun musical numbers. And all the lions died at the end, and the final shot was blood dripping slowly from Pride Rock as all the animals finally emerged from the cruel leotochracy and perhaps found freedom at last.

Exquisite poetry. Two thirds brilliant. The rest not so.

I bought this book from Baguio last December on our way back to La Trinidad; I got the book for just 1$, such a steal! Plus it’s a Shakespeare book with fun illustrations which caught my attention. I did enjoy reading this book even it’s a short one. All the illustrations in it are so cute! which is good for the little ones. Since it’s a classic story few kids might get easily bored with it but this one is good because it makes it easier for readers to read or chew a good story without getting bored with the help of these illustrations. I do wish school libraries have this kind of books for every students. All and all I love the story of Hamlet, because it shows love and finding the truth even how disastrous it turned out I’m still impressed about the whole concept, Shakespeare never disappointed me with all his works. Well done!

i don't care what anybody else says, hamlet x horatio were lowkey a thing

Hamlet teaches us all an important lesson. If you keep your head down, stay doing gay shit with your friends at college and never come home you'll be okay in all seriousness, Hamlet insisting on wearing black all the time and frequently monologuing about how every decision is too hard and he's a mess is Relatable TM so I love him

(3.5/5) definitely did NOT expect Hamlet to be so sassy

no sé cómo explicarlo pero el final se ha sentido como un capítulo de the office michael scott es hamlet y la corte es dunder mifflin

Read this for English class and I gotta say, everyone needed therapy desperately.

Horatio best buddy 👉🌚👉

it's shakespeare's most famous play for a reason

Great book, adoramos a Shakespeare PERO si quereis leer Hamlet for fun NO OS COMPREIS ESTA EDICIÓN REPITO NO OS LA COMPREIS.
Yo me la compré porque viene con un essay y una introducción sobre Shakespeare y me encanta un essay sobre Shakespeare me lo como con patatas. Problema? Está en inglés ANTIGUO, es decir, en el inglés de Shakespeare y la mitad de las palabras o no son las mismas o necesitan explicación. Luckily te viene con notas a pie de página para aclararte las 62837849123 dudas que te salen al leer una puta frase.
Yo soy un friki asi que me lo compré aposta porque me encanta leer el ingles antiguo y decir madre mia que mierda nose. Pero compraos una versión adaptada si no quereis perder neuronas

"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love."

Doubt thou the stars are fire,/ Doubt that the sun doth move,/ Doubt truth to be a liar,/ But never doubt I love.

Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love.