A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor

A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor

Hank Green2023

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Photo of Taha
3.5 stars
Apr 11, 2024

Review A thoughtful & nuanced exploration of the social internet, the future of society and the nature of humanity wrapped in a really easy to read YA sci-fi novel. There were provoking exploration of themes from a perspective that perhaps only Hank Green could have. It makes this book (and duology) a gift to read, you can feel the care and nuance in the themes' exploration that comes from Hank's unique experience of being one of the longest & most popular internet creators in history. The strongest parts of this book are 100% the themes and the way it explores them. However, at times, the dialogue felt like someone older writing young people which made it hard to get lost in novel. Some plotpoints and themes were introduced and abandoned (or not explored to a satisfying conclusion) such as the (racial) exploitation of the locals & some side characters like Robin. It starts slow and then picks up halfway through. With all that said, I can't stop thinking about this book. Notable Quotes "...for some people, 'great' just means 'big', and if it's big enough, they'll convince themselves either that it's good or that it's inevitable, so it might as well be their names that get into the history books."  Recommend to a friend? Yes Read again? No Inspired me to create? No Filled me with the inescapable dread that I will never be able to make something as good as this? Yes

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