Harry Potter og halvblodsprinsen
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Harry Potter og halvblodsprinsen

J. K. Rowling2015

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Photo of bela
4 stars
Dec 5, 2024

oh my dear hinny back in the days

Photo of Julia pinheiro
Julia pinheiro@jupinhdc
4.5 stars
Oct 11, 2024

Cried, like really wtf?

Photo of Alicia
5 stars
Jun 10, 2024

Este es mil veces mejor que el 5° libro✨

Photo of Annabelle Kortum
Annabelle Kortum@akortum
4 stars
May 24, 2024

childhood favorite but the author sucks :(

Photo of Andrés
5 stars
May 20, 2024

Por fin un libro de verdad, después del bodrio del 5o

Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
5 stars
Mar 25, 2024

Even after having read this book before multiple times I still cry every time. The Half-Blood Prince in simply amazing.

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
5 stars
Feb 14, 2024

I. AM. SPEECHLESS. I AM A WRECK. I AM IN AWE. This is my favorite book of the series by far. The ending just completely blew me away. I cried and cried and CRIED. So much came into play in this book. This is the book of relationships; We get more romance, from the couples of Ron and Heroine and then Harry and Ginny, but we also see just how important Harry and Dumbledore have become to each other. They love each other so much, and they have such a strong bond and respect for each other. And all the characters continued to grow up and mature and it all happened so naturally. I loved all the character development that happened in this. Everything was just written so beautifully (I'm pretty sure I've said this for every single book of this series) and I am just so devastated with how this ended, though I understand it. I think this is my favorite book of the series BECAUSE of Dumbledore. He's been my favorite character since the first book. I just admire him so much. I don't know if I'm ready for this series to be over.

Photo of Hanni
5 stars
Jan 27, 2024

didn’t expect him to die 🥹 and for HIM to be the one to kill him

this was a rollercoaster of emotions

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Annika Arguemore
Annika Arguemore@arguemore
5 stars
Jan 14, 2024

I felt really really awful when Dumbledore died. it was as if someone I knew in real life really did pass on. I've gotten attached to the old coot. I also felt a little bit of hopelessness. I thought all was lost when Dumbledore passed away. thank goodness for Harry... although he was a little helpless at first. this book gave me the strength to believe in Harry. the belief that he really could defeat the dark lord.

Photo of Kritika Narula
Kritika Narula@kitkatreads
4 stars
Jan 13, 2024

Dumbledore died. I am in mourning.

Photo of Jyc
5 stars
Jan 12, 2024

★★★★★ // now, that was heartbreaking.

Photo of hileahrious
5 stars
Jan 12, 2024

Gr8. Possibly my favorite book after book 3... the story is so well told and perfectly suspenseful.

Photo of Marie
4 stars
Jan 2, 2024

This is truly the point at which the story matures—in many senses. While the previous books retained their youthful innocence, this book solemnly lifts the Wizarding World to a whole new level. It is a world apart from the rather half-baked, borderline first books, which relied too much on clichees. Book six is the maturity of the story: for the epic mystery that is finally lifted; for the gloomy prospects ahead. But also for Harry himself, as he finally gets drowned in teen drama. And lastly, it's the maturity of Rowling's writing. Her earlier books were nowhere near these later masterpieces. She has definitely learned a lot in the process of writing five books and here, in the sixth book, it finally shows.

Photo of Jaden Nelson
Jaden Nelson@unojaden
5 stars
Nov 30, 2023

It was an extremely fast paced, plot twist filled, and eventful part of the series. Although only a fictional book, it made me feel and strong emotions, marking it as one of the series' best. Great read that I would have finished faster, had it not been for a busy week.

Photo of Geoffrey Froggatt
Geoffrey Froggatt@geofroggatt
3 stars
Nov 29, 2023

I was worried that this book would be mostly filler until the final book in the series but there was lots of key information revealed in this book. I liked how we got flashbacks to Voldemort’s family and rise to power. The characters are much more fleshed out here than they are in the movies. The beginning of this book was slow but the ending more than made up for it. The pacing was a problem for me though. I felt like the story didn’t really pick up until the last few chapters. Parts of this book is mostly set-up for the final book but it was entertaining as it’s own story, even if I felt that there wasn’t much of an adventure in this one as there was in the rest of the books.

Photo of Mey
3.5 stars
Nov 27, 2023


Photo of Amena Elkayal
Amena Elkayal@amena_elkayal
5 stars
Oct 20, 2023

My favorite part of the whole series! I really liked it a lot ❤

Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
5 stars
Jul 31, 2023

Apparently, in the year 2017 I read this book and reviewed it. Do you think I remembered reading this book? HECK NO! Does it matter? HECK NO! I decided to indulge in myself and re-read the entire Harry Potter series. I never actually read book 5 (Order of the Phoenix) so why not just start from the beginning and binge read the whole sha-bang? Honest to goodness, it was totally worth it. I'm annoyed at my younger self for not reading the series like it was meant to be read, but who cares? I'm an adult now and adulting is hard, so we reward ourselves with Harry Potter. I read Order of the Phoenix in 2017 as well, so it has been a fair bit of time since I've bothered with the boy wizard and his merrily troop of misfits. Lucky for me, I've watched the movies god knows how many times so I have a good idea of what happened last time around. My positives: 1. Ginny, Neville and Luna by far stand out in this book. I love their rebellion, quirkiness and overall levels of fun. They are obviously different character types, but they stand out as a strong supporting cast. Malfoy took a bit of a back seat in this one for me, but these guys were fun! I loved them. Sometimes I feel like I am Luna... 2. I used to hate the long narratives when I initially read these books, but now I love it. I love going into the lore and picking apart the different storylines and webs J.K. was trying to make. The Half Blood Prince lore, Voldemort/Tom Riddle's history, and Slughorn... it's all so cool. It's one of the reasons I love FNAF so much - there's so much lore hidden and woven that the story is just SO DARN COOL. To top it off, these lore bits don't slow the pace down at all. It's truly amazing. This woman is TALENTED. And to grow the characters with the age groups who would be reading? SO COOL. SO SO COOL. Am I the only one who wants to see the crazy map J.K. made to set this story up? 3. Snarky comments towards Snape. Seriously, I wish I had the courage to act like that back in my youthful years at elementary/high school. 4. This book is much darker than the other books and... I dig it. I didn't back in the day (2017-era, you know... a LONG time ago...) but I like it now. Maybe because I'm older and wiser and adult life is dark sometimes? Who knows. 5. The curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts job. That should have been stressed WAY more in the movies, because it's super cool. I'm using the word cool a lot... oh well. It's cool! 6. This has nothing to do with the book, but Bill is Domhnall Gleeson and man that Irish boy is wonderful. Ten points to Gryffindor. 7. The comedy is spot on in this book despite it being a dark mess. Ron's nicknames, the love potions, the snarky comments (which I listed above but totally fits here too) - all of it really makes for a well rounded book. My negatives: 1. I have always love book Hermione way more than movie Hermione. I've researched the heck out of why they made the characters the way they did in the movie (Ron is super dumb in the movies, Rupert Grint deserved way better than THAT) but that doesn't change the fact that the books do the characters justice. She's not as annoying in books 1-5, but is starting to get a little annoying... the whole romance thing is not J.K.'s specialty (I think almost everyone can agree on that point). I wish they would have had Harry and Hermione grow closer, because their character types seems much better together than Ron and Hermione. But that's just me. 2. I never understood why Dumbledore had to drink out of the gauntlet. I still don't, to be brutally honest. There's probably some explanation somewhere and I could look it up... but let's be honest, I won't remember to. 3. The death didn't hit me as hard this time, but probably because I knew it was coming. I was very much heart broken when my 10 year old self picked up The Deathly Hallows without reading The Half Blood Prince (judge me, please... I read the last chapter first. I made big mistakes in my childhood, I'll own up to them) and found out about the death. 4. I want more information on the new Minister of Magic. I felt like he could have been utilized more. He kind of just seemed like a plot device. He's super seedy and totally worth going into... but I know book seven won't be focusing on him. 5. I couldn't be bothered with the Quidditch match in this book. I honestly just didn't care about it anymore. GIVE ME LORE AND DRAMA GOSHDARNIT J.K.! Overall, this book is an absolute gem and I'm pumped to re-read this series. It's a book that when I picked it up, I know I'm going to enjoy it and find something new and exciting in it. I'm amazed that it holds up so well (maybe not perfectly, but almost spot on) and that I can still enjoy it as an adult. That's a true testament. Here's my prediction, in three to five years I will probably pick it up again. If you've been avoiding this book or just haven't picked it up, you should do it. Just watching how the books change in tone over the years (imagine a ten year old picking up the first book and grow as the years pass on) is cool all on it's own. Will I read the eighth book? Probably. It's going to take a few years to get my hands on The Cursed Child but I AM READY. Five out of five stars. This girl needed a book to pull her back into her love of reading after a couple very, very bad weeks, AND IT WORKED. Now, any recommendations for more books that are as awesome as this? HIT ME UP.

Photo of Erik Wallace
Erik Wallace@erikwallace
5 stars
Jul 26, 2023

In the second to last book of this series and the darkest to date, trust becomes a major theme. Snape's allegiance to the Order and Dumbledore is further confused as he makes an unbreakable vow to Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange to protect Draco. Harry becomes obsessed in following Draco convinced that he's a Death Eater after seeing him in Diagon Alley. Further distracting Harry, upon returning to Hogwarts he learns that Snape has been awarded the Defense Against Dark Arts teaching position and he discovers a potentially dangerous potions book from the Half Blood Prince.

Photo of Bessie Small
Bessie Small@bessiemo
5 stars
Jul 11, 2023

I think its a great book for every age group and very entertaining.

Photo of Wynter
3 stars
May 4, 2023

- What happened? I was seriously bored by this one - Nothing really happened except Harry obsessing over Malfoy and Snape - Also, it's getting annoying how Rowling is trying to convince me that Snape is a bad guy. When you try so hard, I start to assume the complete opposite - The big shocker in the end was very underwhelming - The whole book seemed like a set up for a sequel - :(

Photo of Colleen
5 stars
Apr 15, 2023

Another classic in the Harry Potter series. It has all the hallmarks of the earlier books: the brilliant characterization, the intricate plot, and the detailed descriptions. The theme of the power of love is explored in more depth. Harry also continues to grow and mature. With that comes all the pains of change, the awkwardness, the sting of realizing that your idols are human too, or the discomfort of finding out how your enemies become who they are today. A wonderful read as always!

Photo of chloe ✩‧₊˚✧。*゚
chloe ✩‧₊˚✧。*゚@libraryofcacw
5 stars
Apr 13, 2023

4.5 ⭐ (of course) I don't know what to say. I'm feeling a little empty. I love all the characters. Even the ones we are meant to hate. Except Voldemort of course becausssse he is an actual psychopath. "It was, he thought, a difference between being dragged into the arena to face a battle to the death and walking into the arena with your head high. Some people perhaps would say that was little to choose between the two ways, but Dumbledore knew - and so do I, thought Harry, with a rush of fierce pride, (and so did my parents), that there was all the difference in the world."

Photo of Anyaconda
3 stars
Apr 7, 2023

Re-read via audiobook. This might actually be the book where the movie was better 😅 Still good though.


Photo of Andrés

Es la hermana de Ron - se dijo Harry con firmeza-. La hermana de mi amigo. Está descartada.


Photo of Andrés

-Y ahora cómo sé si..?

-iVenga, Molly, hazme la pregunta!

-Está bien, está bien. ¿Cuál es tu mayor ambición?

-Entender cómo se mantienen en el aire los aviones.

Photo of Nica

Fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated….

Photo of Nica

"Greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies."

Photo of Nica

“People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.”

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“To the dark lord

I know I will be dead long before you read this. But I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in the hope that when you meet your match you will be mortal once more.


Hast neither knew nor cared what the massage meant.

well fuck you harry

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“Pleased to see me Dumbledore” “no I can not say that I am”

this will be the only moment ever that I like him 😂 because no one likes that Werwolf bastardf

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“I can help you draco” “we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine”

like you did with the potters? Because that worked out for them

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“A dead man lying face up inches beneath the surface”

don’t mind me crying for Sirius brother

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“Don’t go near the water Harry”

yk who Else needed that tip Dumbledore REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“She’s Ron sister” “I’m his best mate.” “That will make it worse”

you your daddy’s son😂

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“Right im going down to Hagrids” “what” said Ron and Hermione “no Harry you’ve got to go and see slughorn remember?” “No”

James just came to the surface 😂

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“I love you Hermione” said Ron. Hermione turned fairly pink.

oh Ron

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“What happened?” “Cracked skull ” said madam pomfrey. “Nothing to worry about”

he is just like his father And also not me Mixing canon with fancanon

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“I love her” repeated Ron “jokes over drop it”

Ron on love potion is just iconic

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“You will not underestimate the power of obssessive love”

Snape you are getting called

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

Somehow it reminded him simultaneously of treakle tart, the wooden smell of a broomstick handle and something flowery he thought he moth have smelled at the burrow

oh Harry poor oblivious Harry

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“Yes.” “Yes sir” “there is no need to call me sir professor”

Love it Harry

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04

“I was interested to see your new patronus. I think you were better of with the old one. The new one looks weak” said Snape

never say that again about moony

Photo of Eva Marquant
Eva Marquant@evamarquant

'Zeg tegen haar dat ik aan haar denk.' - Harry Potter

Page 415
Photo of Eva Marquant
Eva Marquant@evamarquant

'Tel je SLIJMBALLEN niet voor de post bezorgd is,' zei Perkamentus ernstig.

Page 63
Photo of Elisa Klarenberg
Elisa Klarenberg@nek

„Ginny, wo willst du hin?“, schrie Harry, der mitten in der Luft in eine Massenumarmung mit dem ganzen Team hineingeraten war, aber Ginny preschte einfach an ihnen vorbei und krachte schliesslich mit einem gewaltigen Knall gegen das Podium des Stadionsprechers. Während die Menge kreischte und lachte, landete die Gryffindor-Mannschaft neben dem Trümmerhaufen aus Holz, unter dem Zacharias sich schwach regte; Harry hörte Ginny munter zu der erzürnten Professor McGonagall sagen: „Hab vergessen zu bremsen, Verzeihung, Professor.“

Page 301
Photo of Elisa Klarenberg
Elisa Klarenberg@nek

„Aber wenn ich ständig im Ministerium ein und aus gehe“, sagte Harry, immer noch bemüht, seine Stimme freundlich klingen zu lassen, „würde das nicht so aussehen, als wenn ich gut fände, was das Ministerium unternimmt?“

„Nun“, erwiederte Scrimgeour und runzelte leicht die Stirn, „nun, ja, das ist auch ein Grund, weshalb wir gerne -„

„Nein, ich glaube, das lässt sich nicht machen“, bemerkte Harry höflich.

Page 349
Photo of Eliška Teichmanová
Eliška Teichmanová@stdixons

Yes, sir

There is no need to Call me sir, professor

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